Why was Jesus baptized?
All we know is what Jesus said: It just has to be, because it's what God wants. It was then that all 3 Persons of the Trinity were clearly present at once:...
All we know is what Jesus said: It just has to be, because it's what God wants. It was then that all 3 Persons of the Trinity were clearly present at once:...
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Is paradise a different place than heaven?
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Does Hebrews 6:4-6 mean we can lose our salvation?
Psalm 91:1: He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. Mankind was put out of the Garden of Eden to...
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What does it mean that Christians are not under the law?
There are "ministers of reconciliation" today (2 Cor 5:18), but I say there are no prophets, when defined as 'those given knowledge of future events directly...
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What is the book of Obadiah?
The book of Jonah is one of the books written by the prophets. Jonah’s story is memorable with powerful messages on the need of repentance by all who sin and...
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Why do some say that there are no more apostles and prophets today for the church?
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Why do some say that there are no more apostles and prophets today for the church?
All are sinners, but not all are believers, so yes, I believe some "prayers" go unheard. Also because we often don't know what we should be praying for....
Webster defines legalism as a "strict, literal, or excessive conformity to the law or to a religious or moral code". 'Keeping the commandments' can be a form...
Humanity's universal sinfulness gives no right to expect responses to prayer from a holy God on the part of anyone. Any such responses are acts of pure grace...
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How should a Christian man respond if his wife doesn't like sex?
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Why did God break the heads of sea monsters (Psalm 74:13-14)?
To me, the Bible indicates that, although the commandments of God were (and are) given as a valid standard of goodness for which to strive, their practical...
Psalm 66:18 If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me.
The book of Obadiah is by one of the prophets, Obadiah, “servant of Yahweh” or “servant of the LORD.” As with all the writing prophets, the name of the...
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How did Pharaoh find out that Sarai was Abram's wife?
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What should we learn from Jesus' forgiving and healing a paralyzed man?
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How should a Christian man respond if his wife doesn't like sex?
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Why did Elijah throw his cloak around Elisha? 1 Kings 19:19
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How can I avoid enabling someone else's sin?
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How can I avoid enabling someone else's sin?
As indicated in other passages (such as 2 Kings 2:8), Elijah's status as a prophet endowed his mantle (that is, his cloak) with supernatural powers. By...
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How should a Christian man respond if his wife doesn't like sex?
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How should a Christian man respond if his wife doesn't like sex?
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Who were the twelve (12) disciples / apostles of Jesus Christ?
Good question, Barbara Kemp! (Who was John the Baptist?) Mt. 11:3: The one who is to come refers to the Messiah (see Matthew 3:11). John knew who Jesus was,...
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What should we learn from the life of John the Baptist?
Christianity is based on the doctrine of resurrection, found only in the saving grace of Jesus Christ! Not reincarnation! Actual death, burial and...
Amos was a sheep raiser who also dressed sycamore figs, Amos 1:1, 7:14, which entailed making small gashes on the top of the fruit to hasten ripening to a...
Mark 15:21-31 is clearly about the crucifixion of Jesus Christ! Golgotha which means, "Place of the Skull," was where He was crucified! There is no mention...
Even after Jesus told Mary that His hour (for performing public signs) had not yet come, Mary (whom I would interpret as having felt sympathetic...
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What are the benefits of being in God’s Word according to Psalm 119?
I attended a Bible study and we were reading John 2. When the verses were starting to be read I got what I would call a "knowing". All of a sudden I just...
The Bible does not say anywhere that God permitted Elkanah to commit polygamy. It’s highly likely that Hannah was the first wife and because of her...
In John 2:2, Jesus' mother tells Jesus they have no wine. Jesus said, "Woman, what have I to do with thee? Mine hour is not yet come." If Jesus said it wasn'...
John 2:2
Yes, Samuel, I once was a young Christian addicted to pornography. But Jesus was working on me to get rid of this addiction. He gave me verses like "flee...
First, God is Spirit, we worship Him in spirit and in truth. Angels are spirits. In the beginning, Satan, Lucifer, Abaddan, the Devil by whatever name you...
2 Corinthians 11:14 indicates that, in order to promote his evil purposes, Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. This indicates to me that Satan's...
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Why are there so many Bible translations, and which is the best?
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What does the Bible say about your wife wearing lingerie in the bedroom?
Israel returned to their land in 1948. Yet, still most of the Jewish people continue to disbelieve the Gospel of Jesus Christ. However, when many embrace...
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