Why did the angel appear to Zechariah in Zechariah chapter 4?
By my reading of this chapter, the angel appeared to Zechariah to provide a message of hope and assurance that, even though progress in the re-building of...
By my reading of this chapter, the angel appeared to Zechariah to provide a message of hope and assurance that, even though progress in the re-building of...
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While it is usual to say that we will be like Christ's resurrected body in the eternal state have we any Scripture for this? We shall be like Him, our bodies...
Dispensationalism is one way of understanding the Bible. I find it better than other options. An overly simplistic definition would be that the church is...
From what I could understand of this man - do not let enemies of God damage your resolve. I believe he was full of godly fear and this made him meticulous in...
What does it mean to be "Biblical?" What is Biblical is that the early Church, at the time of the Apostles, showed that matters of doctrine were to be...
We recall that Ishmael was born out of Abraham and Sarah's attempt to help God and expedite the fulfillment of God's promise. Subsequent history shows that...
My belief and understanding is that God's Law is immutable. Therefore His Law regarding the Sabbath is also immutable. The fourth commandment in Exodus...
He's the only Begotten son of God. The fulfillment of God's love and promise. The word made flesh (manifested in the flesh) for us and for our salvation,...
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Is the universe eternal?
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What does the Bible say about women working outside the home?
My answer is one of looking at the generation of God's created human beginnings with Adam and Eve and throughout man's history up to the present age! I begin...
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What is the meaning of the Parable of the Wedding Feast?
Criterion: 5 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
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What should we learn from the walls of Jericho falling down?
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Are the seven Catholic sacraments biblical?
I have watched a number of programs on TBN and my view is that there is a mix between Pentecost Bible teachers/charismatic Word of Faith Prosperity/Health...
Yes, all according to the will of God and his plan when we allow him to work in us and when we are willing to conform our will to accept his will and to...
These are all very good and Biblically sound thoughts, on what Jesus saves means. In a succinct way, the explanation can be outlined: {1} Jesus saves one...
I would turn the question around by saying that, to me, the sharing of joys and sorrows among the members of a Christian congregation, and their mutual...
My opinion is highly conjectural, but I believe the three ledges stand for the three altars offering sacrifices - the first built by Solomon, the second by...
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How do I know if my motives are right when I am praying?
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What are the different forms of biblical literature?
Ezekiel 43:13 - 14
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What are the heavenly crowns that believers can receive in Heaven?
I believe that the question is referring to Pope Francis' apostolic exhortation "Amoris Laetitia" ("The Joy of Love"), which was dated 19 March 2016, and was...
Criterion: 25 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
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What did Jesus mean when He said 'I am the Light of the World'?
Revelation 1:4, "John to the seven churches which are in Asia: GRACE be unto you, and peace, from Him which is, and which was, and which is to come; and from...
It is believed that these giant reptiles survived up until the 14th century in the forrests of Britain. In Carlise Cathedral etched on a brass surround of...
2 Timothy 3:1-5, says it all, now and even greater in last days, a world religious physiosophy of a blend of different ways, all talking about God but...
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How can I find comfort when an unsaved loved one has died?
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How can I overcome the pain of betrayal?
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What do I need to know about surviving the end times?
A man planted by the rivers of water is likened to a man who has regular suply of nourishment and refreshment. From the context of psalm 1:1-3..this is a man...
Proverbs 10:1 - 32
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What did Jesus mean when He said 'I am the Light of the World'?
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.
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What did Jesus mean when He said, 'I am the Resurrection and the Life'?
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What is the supremacy of Christ and what are its implications?
In my opinion, Paul is expressing the same thought here as Jesus did in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 6:19-21). He is not teaching or advocating salvation...
The last paragraph in Revalations says not to add to or take away, but how do we know that didn't happen over the past 2000 years? What if we are missing a b...
This question has an answer not described in the Bible but IMPLIED by how the world appears in Genesis. It is is obvious that Moses in writing down the facts...
The thief on the cross next to Jesus, simply believed that Christ was dying for him, and said "Lord remember me when Thou comest into Thy Kingdom." At the...
Joseph was born prior to the writing of the Pentateuch. Hence there was no Law forbidding his marrage.
I would say that Satan and his demonic followers are spiritual beings originally created by God, but who rebelled against Him and are now only capable of...
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How do I convert to Christianity?
i struggled & prayed over this very question for years & years. Not very long ago at all while reading & studying something totally different the...
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