Does God have a 'specific will' for each one of us?
God is never in haste because all things are under His sovereign control. This knowledge will keep us from panicking. Abraham's impatience brought forth...
God is never in haste because all things are under His sovereign control. This knowledge will keep us from panicking. Abraham's impatience brought forth...
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Why do so many people struggle with a lack of faith?
I believe that God does have a specific will for each of us, but it is not an unalterable or inevitable state. People still have a (fallen) free will of...
Does God have a specific will for each of us regarding which career to choose, which job to take, in which country to live, whom to marry, and etcetera?
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Does Hebrews 10:26 mean that a believer can lose salvation?
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Why did Jesus call the Canaanite woman a dog?
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Do the Psalms point to events in the life of Jesus?
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What are some things that may cause us to drift away from faith?
Faith: The word "believe" denotes the act and process of faith. It comes from the Greek verb pisteuo (G4100) which occurs 248 times in the New Testament....
Beheading inflicts more pain and beheading the enemies was the custom in the middle East historically. We are seeing more such examples: David beheaded...
Bible uniquely distinguishes soul and mind as separate. They are so closely related that it is hard to distinguish the fine points of difference between...
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Will we be naked in Heaven?
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How can I be saved?
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How do I know what is God's will for my life?
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How can we confirm the graves opening in Jerusalem after Jesus died if is not reported anywhere else?
In my opinion, beheading was specified here because it was most closely associated with executions performed under the auspices of the Roman Empire,...
Is there significance in having them beheaded vs. other forms of killing?
Revelation 20:4
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What does it mean when Psalm 21:12 says "You will make ready your arrows on your string toward their faces"?
Apostasia (ἀποστασία) in II Thess 2:3 means apostasy, defection, or revolt. Most translations use 'apostasy' since it is a transliteration of the Greek term...
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What does the Hebrews 10:26 mean concerning 'willful sin?'
Let's start at the beginning in genesis 1:2 where it says darkness was over the face of the deep and the spirit of God hovers over the waters. It shows us...
God is very explicit about this one. Isaiah 45:7, "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things."...
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How can I overcome having a critical spirit?
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How can I be saved?
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What is the significance of the Medo-Persian Empire in biblical history?
Darkness is the absence of light. Darkness is natural, light has a source. Without light there is darkness. In Him there is no darkness at all. He is the...
When we talk about God “creating” darkness, and literally applying it to the earth, I believe we are missing the point. You “create” darkness by shutting out...
“If He could not sin, what was the point of the temptation?” is the question I want to consider. Though it has been touched on, I would like to offer a...
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What is the New American Standard Bible (NASB)?
To me, living by faith from a Christian perspective has multiple possible meanings or implications: 1) believing in concepts or events that we ourselves...
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How do I renew my mind?
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How do I know what is God's will for my life?
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How do I know what is God's will for my life?
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What should we learn from the life of Jezebel?
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Is God real? How can I know for sure that God is real?
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What does the Bible say about oral sex?
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How do I know what is God's will for my life?
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How can we confirm the graves opening in Jerusalem after Jesus died if is not reported anywhere else?
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How can we confirm the graves opening in Jerusalem after Jesus died if is not reported anywhere else?
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What did Jesus mean by, "Abraham rejoiced at the thought of seeing my day, he saw it and was glad?"
Here is my short answer that is from my experience the very night I got Saved! While attending a Christian music concert, I was overcome by my guilt, my...
Let us study an important event of transfiguration, both Elijah and Moses appeared. Moses had been dead over 1,700 years and his body was then in...
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What does it mean that, "This is the day that the Lord has made?"
I only add this answer as a personal perspective. It is not from the Bible but does incorporate my understanding of the Bible. Which would bring you greater...
I would say yes and no. Paul did not preach much on hell. He did preach on the way of not going there. After all, what is salvation but to save us from Hell?...
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Where was God on September 11, 2001?
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Why, despite giving my life to Christ and praying, I still feel I do not know if I am saved or not?
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What were the Christian crusades?
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