What does the Bible say about near death experiences?
Although there are no specific instances in the Bible of near-death experiences, there are a few examples of resurrection. Lazarus was dead, and Jesus...
Although there are no specific instances in the Bible of near-death experiences, there are a few examples of resurrection. Lazarus was dead, and Jesus...
I believe that there will animals in the new creation and that when God lives among us on His new earth. Why? Because in Eden the animals lived and spoke...
Repent, pray for forgiveness, and move on into Life Lived In Christ. CHRIST took care of everything you are experiencing ON THE CROSS, therefore, by Faith...
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What is hyssop? What was hyssop used for in the Bible?
Recognize the sin, and acknowledge your commission of it, or your responsibility for it. Repent of it. (That is, feel genuine sorrow and remorse for having...
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What is the spiritual gift of prophecy?
I was given this explanation of predestination by an individual whose spirituality is very grounded. Imagine a door with the words "MY FREE WILLl" written on...
It is my opinion that there is life only on the planet earth. I say this because Jesus died ONCE for all. Jesus lived on this earth and died to save us....
The requirement for Eternal Life is talked about in scripture as entering God's Kingdom and not Perishing. The very first requirement is to believe the first...
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Do we have an appointed time of death?
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What did Jesus mean when He said, 'Today you will be with me in paradise'?
After God restored Job's possessions, the Bible indicates that he had twice as much material wealth as he had had before his afflictions (Job 1:3; Job...
God has not goven us a spirit that should fear but power, love and a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7 A sound mind is not ruled by fear. Fear hath torment but...
Hello and may God Bless you Michelle, great question on advancing technology. There are few friends of mine who have dealt with this type of technological...
My answer is based on three texts: i.e James 1:17, Daniel 10:11-13 and John 10:10. The little research that I have done, I have come to know that Satan can...
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Is total depravity biblical?
Let the little children come unto me Matthew, 1914, Luke 18:16, JESUS loved/loves little children. They are precious gifts from GOD, not Satan, only GOD can...
I view such technology as being morally neutral by nature. Like almost anything, it can be employed for evil purposes by those determined to do so, but the...
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How do I know which of God's promises are for me?
Certain portions of Scripture (such as Isaiah 11:6-8) speak of a future time of peace (presumably connected with the second coming of Christ and the close of...
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If my pregnant wife is diagnosed with a defective baby, what should we do?
There are two sorts of righteousness in the New Covenant (Ro 10:3), the righteousness which comes from man (his flesh) and the righteousness which comes from...
The Bible tells us that God created, in a 6 day period 6,000 years ago, everything after its own kind like humans, hippos, bananas, cats, dogs, monkeys etc....
The Bible teaches (in addition to the verse cited in the question) that, as a result of original sin, all humans (even infants) are born in a state of sin...
I would say that Paul was referring (in the verse cited in the question) to the case of a formerly non-Christian couple who were already married when one of...
When the Philippian jailer asked Paul, "What must I do to be saved?", Paul responded, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved." (Acts...
I don't believe that they would have known the meaning of evil. It was their desire to know something that they did not know (and that Satan deceived them...
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Is unconditional election biblical?
1 John 5:7-8, is an extension of John's declaring and explaining about Jesus Christ being God's Son and the Messiah that he wrote about in his gospel...
1 Corinthians 7:14
Webster’s Dictionary defines perversion as “a diverting from the true intent or purpose; a change to something worse; a turning or applying to a wrong end or...
Romans 3:23: "...for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."
Romans 3:23
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Do angels appear to people today?
Since the microchip is here already, should we be concerned about how it will be used in the end times? Will people be cut off from their money and unable to...
Revelation 13:15 - 18
Falling away is leaving the path and going astray. Jesus talked about those telling Him about their good works and honoring God, even doing miracles, who...
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What is the importance and value of group prayer?
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What does the Bible mean by 'dying to self'?
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Why is sexual purity so important?
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Who were the sons of God and daughters of men?
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What is ethical relativism?
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Who were the sons of God and daughters of men?
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Why did God accept Abel's offering but reject Cain's offering? Why did Cain then kill Abel?
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What is the key to effective prayer?
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