How do we defend verses like Psalms 37:25 when there ARE so many starving children?
iPsalms 37:25: is a statement or testimony from the psalmist, about those who seek and follow after the way of the Lord. The causes of poverty and human...
iPsalms 37:25: is a statement or testimony from the psalmist, about those who seek and follow after the way of the Lord. The causes of poverty and human...
Were the Salem Witch Trials biblical? In a one word answer No, there are many misconceptions about the Salem witch trials that are fed by so many papers and...
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What does the Bible say about obedience?
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What is the difference between the ceremonial law, the moral law, and the judicial law in the Old Testament?
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How can I gain a passion for winning souls?
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Does God require Sabbath-keeping of Christians?
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How do we defend verses like Psalms 37:25 when there ARE so many starving children?
In the larger passage containing the verses cited in the question, Jesus was referring both to events at the time that He was speaking, and at the time of...
If the Bible is the inspired word of God [2 Timothy 3:16] and if Jesus is God's Son and He claimed the Scriptures are God's Word [Matthew 21:13, Luke 4:27,...
What is the purpose of tithing? To start; Mal 3:8 does not discuss the purpose of tithing, but the consequences of misusing and abusing the tithe, which was...
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Are Mormons Christians? Are Mormons saved?
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If you are once saved are you then always saved?
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If you are once saved are you then always saved?
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Was Jesus Christ married? Did Jesus have a wife?
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Was Jesus Christ married? Did Jesus have a wife?
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What is biblical theology?
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Are we supposed to 'let go and let God?'
The bible is clear that there will be many saved during the tribulation period. But they are not the same as those saved by grace during the church age. From...
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What was manna?
I think that it is perfectly permissible to ask God for His guidance. Passages such as Psalm 25 and Psalm 86 express a desire by David for such instruction....
Regardless if saved or unsaved, when we die, we all turn to dust and the spirit goes back to God who gave it (Eccl 12:7). Just as David, who is resting the...
It is my opinion, that, out of living in the world, Peter really didn't even realize that he was denying Christ until the rooster crowed and he remembered...
All prayer must be first of all done with the understanding God will be and is sovereign in his answers to every request. Sincerity and legitimate need must...
I know I have no right to ask God to show himself to me or give me signs. I am, of course, unworthy and the Bible states that the things that are unseen are ...
2 Corinthians 4:18
Jesus was speaking to people who he sought to save but rejected him as the Savior, as the Son of God. I get the impression he was communicating by rejecting...
I think Peter denied Jesus for the same reason any man or woman refuses to acknowledge the truth, any truth in any situation (since all truth belongs to God,...
How can light from the Stars billions of light years away reach us if the Heavens and Earth are only about 6 to 10 thousand years old? The simple answer is...
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What is sensationalism? What is a sensationalist?
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How does the Spirit intercede for us with the Father?
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What does it mean that women will be 'saved' through childbearing?
James (in James 4:3) and John (in 1 John 5:14-15) -- whose writings were inspired, just as the gospels were -- both expanded on and qualified what seems to...
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What is the difference between a sect and a cult?
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Why do we pray before eating meals?
A great question and I humbly submit for your consideration an experience from the depths of a soul crushing domain where the deepest pit of man's fears is...
I am also in agreement with Mr. Maas, whether your sin is stealing paper clips from the office or murder etc. All sin is equal in God's eyes. None are...
Respectfully, I disagree with those here who say the office of the apostle and prophet were only for the establishment of the church. One thing I can agree...
Tithing was an old testament law. Giving is what we do under grace. Giving is done from the heart, tithing was done as a necessity. Giving is done out of...
He can if he has repented for his sin and is truly sorry for it and turns away from it.
One thing that helps me when I think about murderers who have "accepted Christ" before death is thinking about how the spiritual side of things works. I had...
As indicated by the verse cited in the question, the Passover associated with Jesus' death and resurrection began at sundown on the day now commonly called...
The "sons of Israel" can refer either to the twelve individual sons of Jacob (to whom God gave the name Israel in Genesis 32:24-30), or to the collective...
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What happens to a person who commits a terrible crime, such as a child rapist, when he dies?
Agreed with Mr. Maas. All sin is mortal sin as it separates us from a holy God and all sin will bear consequences (Numbers 14:34, Jeremiah 32:18). All people...
Although breast- feeding is a natural gift given by God to produce, not only nurturing of food substance to a little infant, but also a close physical bond...
The rapture was not heard of until the17th century and it is confused by a lot of false teaching. It was introduced to calm people's fears regarding going...
Jacob’s name was changed to Israel. Is that where the reference to the sons of Israel comes from?
Based upon current scientific evidence, the earth is about 4.5 billion years old. Genesis 1:1 mentions the earth being created after the heavens. There is no...
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