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What does the Bible say about the prosperity gospel?
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What does the Bible say about the prosperity gospel?
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What is the significance of the Babylonian Empire in biblical history?
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What does it mean that women are the 'weaker vessel'?
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Is it true that the sun stood still?
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What happens during the rapture to body parts donated by Christian organ donors to non-Christians?
Great question, Brian Langat! During mealtimes the feet were uncovered. (Luke 7:38;John 13:5,6) It was a mark of reverence to cast off the shoes in...
I humbly submit for your consideration some simple thoughts. Sometimes the whole must be removed to save the greater, i.e. with cancer sometimes much tissue...
I would say that this was poetic or figurative language being used by Isaiah to express the joy that nature itself would express at God's word -- both as...
Onesimus was a slave belonging to a member of the Colossian Christian congregation in Asia Minor (modern-day Turkey) named Philemon. Paul had personally...
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How can I help my child who was sexually abused?
I see no difference from a moral standpoint between the devoting of Jericho to complete annihilation by Israel (as part of the destruction that was commanded...
The facts in the Bible don't give us either detail of when or where the Magi found Jesus. Luke 2 tells us clearly that Mary and Joseph went from Nazareth to...
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Was Saint Peter the first Pope?
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Was Saint Peter the first Pope?
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.
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Was Saint Peter the first Pope?
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.
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Is speaking in tongues evidence for having the Holy Spirit?
In my opinion the best way to acquire discernment is Proverbs and the gospel of John. But the biggest reason any Christian is weak is because they do not...
Here is a list of evidences of receiving the Holy Ghost / Spirit. The power gifts of the spirit will manifest themselves through you as the spirit wills it,...
The Fall of Jericho (Joshua 5:13-6:21) 20 When the trumpets sounded, the army shouted, and at the sound of the trumpet, when the men gave a loud shout, the ...
Joshua 6:20 - 21
The phrase "blood of Christ" is used several times in the New Testament and is the expression of the sacrificial death and full atoning work of Jesus on our...
Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe in his book, INDEX OF BIBLICAL IMAGES, has 1 reference to BLOOD as "The Atoning Death of Christ., Revelation 12:11.
Mark 1:4,5) John the Baptist appeared in the wilderness preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. And all the country of Judea was going...
Criterion: 5 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
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Who are the "sons of God" in Job 38:7?
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.
There is another consideration. We often think a certian way when we approach the scripture. I think sometimes we forget that we are talking about and trying...
This verse in scripture is part of a larger context covering chapters 8 - 14 about worship. It is introduced by 1 Corinthians 11:1, 2. Paul says, in verse 1...
I'm just curious after having read this online: "Are you avoiding accepting Christ as your personal Savior because you think there are too many hypocrites in...
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What is iconoclasm?
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Why did God send an evil spirit to torment King Saul?
The image of the cross signifies death. (Even today, in written synopses of people's lives, the image of the cross placed next to a date indicates that it...
The Israelites were sent not only to inherit the promise land, but also displace those who lived there and completely destroy them. A few generations before...
Evil is first introduced simply as the opposite of good. The definition of good must be determined from its first usage and then its usage in Genesis chapter...
The Bible indicates in Exodus 1:5 that Israel originally consisted in its entirety of seventy persons who went down to Egypt. During the time (400 years)...
Criterion: 5 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
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What is the Bible's position on social drinking?
Criterion: 5 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
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What are our secret sins? (Psalm 90:8)
Genesis 46:1 - 34
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Can a Christian be a nudist? What does the Bible say about nudity?
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What did Jesus mean when He said; "And blessed is he whomsoever shall not be offended in me"?
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Was Saint Peter the first Pope?
Should we expect a return on our giving? Yes we should. God promised in several passages of Scripture that He will bless us when we honor Him with our...
Criterion: 5 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
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What does the Bible say about astrology or the zodiac? Is astrology something a Christian should study?
None of us knows exactly when the end of life will be. Some people choose to continually put off thinking about God and eternity, or to postpone making sure...
Ethan the Ezrahite, who is mentioned as the author of this psalm, served under King Solomon (1 Kings 4:31). As noted in 1 Kings 3:14 and (especially) 1 Kings...
Psalm 90 A prayer of Moses the man of God. 9 All our days pass away under your wrath; we finish our years with a moan. 10 Our days may come to sevent...
When I was in my twenties I was walking home from church around 9:30 pm with the assistant pastor of my church. As we walked I looked up and there was a...
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Should a Christian take anti-depressants or other mental health medicines?
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Are we predestined to know Christ?
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.
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Are we predestined to know Christ?
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