How many times should a Christian be baptized?
I would say that it would depend on the beliefs and practices of the particular Christian denomination with which an individual becomes affiliated. If an...
I would say that it would depend on the beliefs and practices of the particular Christian denomination with which an individual becomes affiliated. If an...
We are called to be lights that shine in the midst of darkness. How should we be doing this right now?
Matthew 5:16
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How can I know what God's plan is?
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What is joy (fruit of the Holy Spirit)?
I believe that we all can identify with the woman of Samaria. We were all searching for something to fill the void that is in all of us. For me, I can...
Naaman's slave young lady, caught in a strike of Israel, said Elisha could mend him of his sickness. In any case, Naaman committed an error. At the point...
I would say that, first and foremost (although Jesus did not state it in the form of a command), would be His statement that those who believe in Him will...
David was a man after God’s own heart (1 Sam. 13:14). He was also a man intimately acquainted with failure. After his adulterous relationship culminated in...
If I were to select a single overriding doctrinal point in the New Testament (from which, I would say, all other doctrine presented in the New Testament...
One of the factors that testifies most powerfully to me concerning the truth and reliability of the New Testament is that it does not attempt to "whitewash"...
The location of a wedding is spiritually symbolic as the first instance of his ministry as it begins an intimate relationship with his Church (a group of...
What was commanded to eleven, that no one else knew? But eleven had to teach it to others?
Matthew 28:20
It was most likely Jacob's method of telling the family that Joseph had been decided to be his beneficiary.
Bible says something about "True Fasting" in Old Testament through Prophet Isaiah in Chapter 58. I have seen people who are fasting for the sake of pleasing...
Numbers 8:23-26 This brief section contains instructions about what to do when a Levite reaches 50 years old, the age of retirement. 25. from the age of...
"Give me the benefit of your convictions, if you have any; but keep your doubts to yourself, for I have enough of my own." -- Goethe The term, DOUBT, is...
My understanding is that the limitation cited in the question applied (as indicated in the question itself) only to the Levites (rather than to the priests...
This unexpected skin infection showed that God had the option to get such sicknesses to Egypt and that no one but he could dispose of them. Moses' hand...
Is this just referring to the Levites when it comes to retirement?
Numbers 8:25
I have often thought that Christians arguing about which denomination is "right" is rather like arguing about which food is right. I like Mexican, Chinese,...
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Where did Lazarus go when he first died, before The Lord Jesus raised him from the dead?
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What is the law of liberty?
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How is Satan god of this world?
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How is Satan god of this world?
You overcome depression by memorizing some inspiring Bible verses with Scripture Memory Fellowship this summer about The Night of Depression Psalm 42:5 Why...
I think if both husband and wife have a good solid foundation and understanding of the gospel and a relationship with God through Jesus Christ, especially if...
These words in Hosea 6:3 of repentance are lovely but as morning clouds are often pictured as a simile for transitoriness (e.g., Job 7:9; Isa 44:22; Hos 6:4;...
Good question! Grant, I think, has the right idea, when he said, "Jesus is the first fruits example." And He, the wheat-corn, sown in earth, Has giv’n a...
That's kind of a tough one but I do not believe there is a such thing as a soul mate. The only relationship I can think of where the term soul mate could...
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What does the Bible say about self-worth?
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What is the book of Jeremiah?
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What is a concubine? Why did God allow men to have concubines in the Bible?
It is clear from John 2:1-11 that Jesus did not choose for this miracle to be His first. I do believe that he was put-upon by his mother and could not refuse...
The action described in the verse cited in the question was one of three signs that God gave to Moses in Exodus 4 that he could show to the Israelites in...
Yes, Christ did appear in the Old Testament in at least 7 places: Abraham (Genesis 18, especially Genesis 18:13) as also mentioned by Jennifer Henkel...
It is true, one has a right to agree or disagree. Having the mind of Christ is very simple to understand to a spiritual person. In John's gospel 5:30 Jesus...
If the nearer kinsman agreed to pay the cost of buying the land of Elimelech, it would entail the job of marrying and supporting the widow, Ruth. This would,...
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Does Satan have the power to control the weather?
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Does Acts 13:48 prove election of some and not others?
I would first say that the Bible appears to address father-daughter relationships from the standpoint of when the daughter is still living at home under her...
My simple answer is pray to the Father through the Son (John16:23 and led by the Spirit (Colossians 1:9-14). We should pray through the Son because no one...
The Bible itself is the law of liberty. It is the ethical guide for Christian living (James 1:25; 2:8). And when we obey it, it sets us free (Psalm 119:45;...
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Why will the close relative lose his inheritance if he redeems the land himself in Ruth 4:6?
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