What does Jesus' mind look like?
We must have the mind of Christ. What are the thoughts of Christ?
1 Corinthians 2:16
We must have the mind of Christ. What are the thoughts of Christ?
1 Corinthians 2:16
Not that I am innocent, but here seems to be God's heart in the matter. Ps 101:2 I will give heed to the blameless way. When will You come to me? I will walk...
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How can I overcome an addiction to internet porn? Can addiction to pornography be defeated?
The particular English translation of the Gloria Patri that speaks of "world without end" apparently traces to Thomas Cranmer, who was the Archbishop of...
John 5:24 Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that heareth my word, and believeth on Him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into...
What does the Bible say about saying, "please," when we pray? Is it scriptural to say "please" when we pray? Luke 11:1 - 54 KJV - 1 And it came to pass,...
Fret not yourself because ofevildoers; be notenvious of wrongdoers! For they will soonfade likethe grass and witherlike the green herb. Trust in theLord, and...
John 3:18 Believers are no longer condemned, but unbelievers are condemned already because they have not believed on the name of the Son of God. John 6:40...
God’s Word is powerful and mighty (Hebrew 4:12). By His Word all things are created. By His Word the impossible becomes possible (Matt. 8:8). Clearly the...
Since the Bible (including in the case of Pharaoh's dream noted in the question) treats the genuine interpretation of dreams as something that is granted by...
Basically I just want to live a long life but I’m just curious how do I not worry about the rapture happening because I know in Mathew it says that no man kn...
Matthew 24:36
To me, the ultimate focus of Christians, even during their earthly life spans (which, no matter how long they may be, are still just the blink of an eye in...
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What does the Bible say about sadness?
The Father has submitted all judgment to the Son (John 5:22) and has given Him the position to execute judgment (John 5:27). Today Jesus Christ is the...
If the use of the word "please" when praying is meant as an expression of a genuine added degree of urgency or intensity to the words or requests spoken by...
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What age will everyone be in Heaven?
We hear the word judge and we think of someone adjudicating law, passing judgement, someone deciding cases, administering justice. That's not the way "judge"...
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What is noetic science?
Is it scriptural to say "please" when we pray?
Luke 11:1 - 54
On the 6th day God used the earth to make man and then He breathed His Spirit of life into man - and man became a living soul (A + B = C, where C is the...
According to Genesis, humans receive life from God (Gen 2:7). God “breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul” (KJV). God...
Some Christian researchers accept the early church starting to meet on Sundays not long after Christ becoming alive again, out of appreciation for the Lord's...
This verse I believe was Holy Spirit inspired, like much of the Old Testament used to teach future generations of believers and those who are called to be...
Acts 20 has been used by some to support the idea that the seventh-day Sabbath has been replaced with Sunday, the first day of the week, as early as the...
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Is speaking in tongues evidence for having the Holy Spirit?
God who created us certainly can recreate us from ashes, regardless the manner in which the body was disposed at death. The result of cremation or slow decay...
The Dispensationalism doctrine, made popular by John Nelson Darby, asserted that Christ’s coming would occur in two stages: an invisible secret rapture, (or...
To me, Exodus 2:10 specifically and definitively addresses this issue by saying, "When the child [Moses] grew older, she [Moses' birth mother] took him to...
Since the Bible speaks of martyrs being sawn in half (Hebrews 11:37) (in addition to all the Christians who have suffered similar fates -- including...
1 Corinthians 15:2
Police brutality is a sure sign of systemic racism in a culture. When police deal differently with people because of their ethnicity, skin colour, economic...
No, we are not responsible for our brother when he is not with us. But when he is, we are. Cain's answer to God, in the form of a question, is what I...
Great question, Scott! God promises to rescue and sustain the righteous when they fall. (Psalm 34:19: "Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the...
If one accepts the timeframe calculated by Bishop Ussher, in which the days of creation as mentioned in the Bible refer to literal 24-hour days, and the...
It appears that the consensus of opinion among the translators or interpreters of this verse (including those found on the website http://www.biblehub.com)...
Does it mean the God is satisfied with the good man's life, or does it mean that a good man willingly accepts the Lord's guidance? Psalm 37:23-25 King ...
Psalms 37:23
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Is Jesus God's Son? How could Allah, being one, have a son?
The resurrection of Jesus Christ is foretold in Scripture -- 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how...
Although the two words in our English translation of 1 Thess. 4:17, "caught up," are from the Latin raptus and occur only once in the New Testament, it does...
My understanding is that the events described in the passage cited in the question correspond to a "post-tribulation" view of the timing of the Rapture with...
When Elohim changed his name to Yishra’el (Israel) he was not considered a deceiver anymore. He was made new.
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