What is the difference between obedience and disobedience?
John 14:23
My belief on baptim is that being submersed in water represents Christ’s death and burial. Being brought back up from submersion represents Christ’s...
I was in this same boat. God gave me up to dishonarabe passions. Heterosexual expressions before marriage. I was unhinged from my Creator. But the real...
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Who was the first Jew?
Adam Lied. He was depraved and in sin after the fall hence it isn't surprising that they didn't seek restoration immediately or repentance. They were...
Although Biblical marriage calls couples to yield or submit to one another, most specifically wives to husbands (Ephesians 5:22), it’s a concept widely rejec...
1 Samuel 25:1 - 44
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Why does Isaiah 45:7 say that God created evil/calamity?
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Does Matthew 7:21-23 mean that believers can lose salvation?
Alexander the Great was one of the most famous followers of this religion. It is one of world’s oldest religions, originating in 5th Century BC in Iran,...
Genesis 2:24, "Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to His wife, and they shall become one flesh." One flesh suggests a physical,...
This is a Hindu festival that celebrates love and emotions. They place "bracelets" on each other. As Christians, we are to love each other, especially other...
First, I would say that, although humans (as well as religious institutions composed of humans) may characterize some sins as "worse" than others (as in...
Horses and chariots represent the spirit of war and military conquest. Both the black horse and white horse go to the north where the angel says "Behold,...
I would say that, although the terms "saint" and "sanctification" are commonly thought of as related to the idea of being without sin, they also refer to the...
Hagin, Kenneth 'I Believe in Visions' (Rhema Family Church, Tulsa (OK)), 1984, pp5-14
The term "Anti-Christ" is anything or any person that refutes that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and universal saviour of the world. The Anti-Christ is...
The term "Anti-Christ" is anything or any person that refutes that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and universal saviour of the world. The Anti-Christ is...
Although Jesus' entry into Jerusalem on a donkey on Palm Sunday is commonly cited as an example of His humility (even though, as noted in the prophecy in...
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What is the Star of David and is it biblical?
There is no mention in the text of any countries in any direction that the chariots travel. A common interpretation of the four chariots is the...
This is when Indian women tie a thread on their brothers.
Isaiah 45:7 KJVS [7] I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things. Thanks, Michael, Two eternal...
1 John 2:18 says, "Dear children, this is the last hour; and as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come. This is...
Being a preacher or pastor is an important leadership position in the Christian church, today and since the first churches described in the New Testament....
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What is regeneration according to the Bible?
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Whom was Cain afraid of after he killed Abel?
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What is the meaning of Jacob wrestling with God?
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Is being drunk in the Spirit a biblical experience?
I think if we sin we are guarded by the law from the book of Romans, but Paul asked, “Should we remain in sin so that the grace of God is sufficient?” He...
Eutychus was a young man who fell asleep during a sermon. Paul knew he only had a short time with them so he preached all evening and eventually all night....
I don't believe that you need to have any concern about having sinned if you had a pet microchipped. Or about having committed the sin of "accepting the Mark...
This is wonderful news that God has given you this assurance of his call upon your life. I am assuming from the information in the question that you are...
The bible text does not explain what the prophets were prophesying about. However, we can come up with a list of possibilities based on the context of these...
This is a good question! There is significant disagreement. 1 Samuel 13:1 is a DIFFICULT passage. How can you tell? There are many variations to how bible...
I agree with the above answers and would like to offer one thought on the cultural context of this verse. Isaiah wrote in the 7th century BCE. In the...
I believe the original answer to this question is in Luke 15:1-2. Luke tells us that the "tax collectors and sinners" gathered to hear Jesus and "the...
Although I have seen calculations that purport to determine the exact date according to the solar Gregorian calendar (that is, one that is based on the...
Orthoptera are mentioned at least 35 times in our Bible. They are part of a family of insects that include grasshoppers crickets, palmer worms etc.. There is...
In my view, water baptism is the public declaration of our faith in Jesus Christ and our solemn commitment to follow him as a member of the Christian church,...
Jesus said, "If anyone causes one of these little ones - those who believe in me - to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung...
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What does the Bible say about hope?
Acts 8:35-39 35Then Philip opened his mouth, and began at the same scripture, and preached unto him Jesus. 36And as they went on their way, they came unto a ...
Acts 8:35 - 39
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