Was Jeremiah possibly paraphrasing Psalm 1 here? (Jeremiah 17:7–8)
To resist temptation, follow Joseph’s example in Genesis 39:7-10 where Joseph resists the temptation to commit adultery, better, Genesis 39:7-12. Also,...
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I am a Catholic. Why should I consider becoming a Christian?
I can't address the specific case of the questioner's cousin, but I would say in general that the reason many people refuse to believe in God (no matter how...
I think that "God granted those long lives so that we, looking back, could see from which we have fallen. In other words, those long lives testify that death...
I have a cousin who's like this. I think he's a person who denies that God exists.
Our sin debt was paid in full at the cross. Romans 4:7-8. Blessed is the man whose sins are covered. Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin....
Our English word fool comes from a Latin word that means “bellows,” suggesting that the fool is a person “full of hot air.” “There is no God.” Believing...
All good answers. And let’s remember also, how we treat others is how we treat God. We find this in Matthew 25:31-46 (esp verse 40). Also, I find it odd when...
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Some believe that 11:11 stands for Jeremiah 11:11 and, possibly, other books with a chapter 11. They see it as a "wake up call" to pay strict attention to...
There is no special significance to it, as discussed at: https://www.gotquestions.org/11-11-in-the-Bible.html (This is the same discussion on Mr. Houdmann's...
An empirical or "common-sense" view of giving might conclude that the more of their resources that people give away to charitable causes, the poorer it would...
I would say that it would be because they regard Jesus as a mere man or human being, who would therefore not be worthy of the worship that should be reserved...
Wiersbe says, "A popular television comedian always got laughs when he said, 'The devil made me do it!'" Who was that comedian? Flip Wilson. (In the 1970s)...
Please explain this message
Proverbs 11:24
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Is it wrong for a Christian to have a dream catcher?
In my opinion, yes it’s wrong. I can clearly see now at age 28, recently saved, that the occultism started at a very young age for me, and it was not my...
Where does this saying come from? The saying “where God guides, he provides” comes from a paraphrase of Isaiah 58:11. The Contemporary English Version of...
"A popular superstition involves the number 11, which in numerology is a 'Master Number' signifying spiritual awareness or psychic intuition." --Houdmann
Ecclesiastes 8:14 - 17
Nope. John 1:18 says, "No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him." "God is invisible...
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Is God sovereign and/or do we have a free will?
I would say that it IS true, but I would also say that, in God's omniscience, His provision may not take an exact form that we request or expect, but that...
God, being omniscient, was aware that, regardless of whether Jeremiah interceded with Him for the people (as individuals such as Moses and Samuel had done in...
In my opinion, the passage is saying that, if the inhabitants of Jerusalem had caught the poor breaking into their homes, it would have given those...
In my opinion, the passage is saying that, if the Israelites had caught the poor breaking into their homes, it would have given the Israelites a valid excuse...
Jeremiah 2:34 On your clothes is found the lifeblood of the innocent poor, though you did not catch them breaking in. Yet in spite of all this ...
Jeremiah 2:1 - 37
Jeremiah 7:16 Therefore pray not thou for this people, neither lift up cry nor prayer for them, neither make intercession to me: for I will not hear thee.
Jeremiah 7:1 - 29
They shouldn't. The first converts to Christianity in the book of Acts were all Jews. Romans 1:16. For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is...
NAVE (Nave’s Topical Bible) lists only 2 references for “nagging”: Judg. 14:17; 16:16. Pressure can also come in the form of psychological force upon an...
There are several different groups of Greek manuscripts of the New Testament have been found. While they mostly agree, there are some minor differences...
In my opinion, the cited verse is referring to the coming (at the time that Amos prophesied) gap of approximately four hundred years that would elapse...
Golgotha was most likely located near the souther summit of the Mount of Olives. "Golgotha" can also be translated as "the place of the poll", or the place...
A Thursday crucifixion solves all the apparent issues typically associated with the Gospel accounts while preserving their inerrancy. It is also consistent...
Amos 8:11 says, "Behold, the days are coming," declares the Lord God, "when I will send a famine on the land - not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for wat...
Amos 8:1 - 14
God did not save the Ninevites as a nation that would go to heaven. He saved the nation for turning from their evil ways so that they would not be destroyed....
I'm not sure that the BIble addresses imagined illnesses directly, but I am aware of passages (particularly in Proverbs, such as Proverbs 22:13 and Proverbs...
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What happens after death, before the Resurrection?
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What happens after death, before the Resurrection?
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What is the Gap Theory? Did anything happen between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2?
John 16:33: These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have...
I have met many who complain of wifi sensitivity. As a research scientist I find it difficult to understand or reconcile this. Is demonic influence playing a...
Jesus is God the Son. There is also God the Father and God the Holy Ghost. Jesus was referring to the Father as "my God.” In other words, "my God," here...
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Can a person take communion alone, or must it be taken in a group?
Good question, ANNE LOUISE! John 1:12-13 gives us the marvelous promise of God that anyone who receives Christ will be born again and enter the family of...
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How do you explain the trinity?
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