What is the Swoon Theory? Did Jesus survive the crucifixion?
The Swoon Theory is the belief that Jesus didn't really die at His crucifixion, but was merely unconscious when He was laid in the tomb and there He...
The Swoon Theory is the belief that Jesus didn't really die at His crucifixion, but was merely unconscious when He was laid in the tomb and there He...
The "sacred feminine" is a religious movement that emphasizes femininity as being closer to divinity than masculinity. Those of the sacred feminine tradition...
It is important to first define "contemplative prayer." Contemplative prayer is not just "contemplating while you pray." The Bible instructs us to pray with...
There are two Greek words translated as "patience" in the New Testament. Hupomoncmeans "a remaining under," as when one bears up under a burden. It refers to...
In Galatians 5:22-23, Paul lists the "fruit of the Spirit." "Fruit," here, means "beneficial results," the good things that come from the Spirit's...
The Bible does not give us much information on Jannes and Jambres. In fact, the names of these two men appear only once in the entire Bible, in 2 Timothy...
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What is the biblical method of evangelism?
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Why is Jesus called the stumbling stone in Matthew 21:43-44?
Wow, what a question! If even 1% of Christians comprehended the answer, this whole world would be won to Jesus Christ by Christmas! In Matthew 28:18-20 (RSV)...
The term "canon" is used to describe the books that are divinely inspired and therefore belong in the Bible. The difficulty in determining the biblical canon...
Many people ask, 'Is there a prayer I can pray that will guarantee my salvation?' It is important to remember that salvation is not received by reciting a...
The sinner's prayer is a prayer a person prays to God when they understand that they are a sinner and in need of a Savior. Saying a sinner's prayer will not...
If you have Jesus why would you want to have reiki? The reiki system which is an ancient Tibetan form of 'laying on of hands' which is opposed to biblical...
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How can I become more Christlike?
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Why did Jesus warn against saying the word raca in Matthew 5:22?
Many suggest the "good work" mentioned in Philippians 1:6 is Holy Spirit conforming each Jesus Follower to the likeness of our King. Paul outlines this...
It's true that many per Christ religions like like Zoroastrian religion and etc seem to have had models that resemble the later existing Christian story. I...
Hi Watson, yes a man can marry his brother's widow. There is no legal problem against it :0)
"6 being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."
Calling Jesus a brother of Satan is like calling a man a brother to the commode (shiny, sometimes artistic, very useful, etc.) which the man himself created...
John in spite what some people say which is scripturally unfounded or just regurgitated from some other person about sickness being from God or God punishing...
James 1:17 makes clear, John, that every good and perfect gift comes only from God. So the answer regarding the source of all the positive things that occur...
Incarnation is a term used by theologians to indicate that Jesus, the Son of God, took on human flesh. This is similar to the hypostatic union. The...
Tito, because God The Holy Spirit is never the author of confusion (1 Corinthians 14:33), a "loss of consciousness" on the part of one Jesus Follower being...
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How can I get to know God better?
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Are Jesus and Satan brothers?
Shantkumar S. Kunjam you question is: How can we live joyful knowing a loved one may be in hell? The first thing you need to establish is how does the...
People's character is shaped by many things. We live in a broken world and elements of this world can shape a person. A person who is abused as a child will...
This is difficult because many Catholic people are not truly Christian but strongly believe that they are. My best suggestion is to talk to them about Jesus...
As a former Catholic, some Catholics are "Christians" and some are not. Some, like the lady you spoke to, see it like a club, and when they join the club...
This is not the 'either/ or', but the classic 'both/ and'. Many things Jesus himself did were public, and many were private between Him and the Father. There...
Of course this is a very difficult question to be answered. And I don't think there could be any easy answer. But there could be some answers which could be...
This is very tricky, like walking on a thin rope. But there may be a way to reconcile the two. When one is giving in public, especially in the Church, then...
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What is a cardinal in the Roman Catholic Church?
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How can I give in secret (Matthew 6:4) and still let my good deeds be seen (Matthew 5:16)?
It is a practice in certain Christian fellowship organization for a member to ask their pastor/minister to pray for him/her for the seemingly heavy and accru...
A question which all believers will struggle with at times. Thanks all for your responses, I think the fact that you ask the question says a lot about your...
As Creator of all and especially mankind, God, "the Father" is the ultimate and most-high FATHER that each and every human ever conceived could have. God...
I have seen this done on one occasion by men who teaches a "PROSPERITY GOSPEL". The more you give God the more He gives you in return. You pay a $100 and God...
Jesus defined "eternal life" very clearly when He was first with us on earth as both fully man and fully God. It says He was that in God's New Covenant with...
Esther, the Jewish maiden, was taken from her familiar surroundings and the care of her beloved uncle, Mordecai, and placed in the palace to become one of...
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How does bad company corrupt good character?
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Will the sun really be turned to darkness and the moon to blood?
Kissing while dating CAN be a dangerous thing. The Christian goal is to be chaste. The dangers of kissing while dating is summed up quite well in a popular...
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