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Danny Hickman

Believer in The Gospel Of Jesus Christ


Recent Activity


Is silent prayer biblical?

For the purpose of examination, let's suppose silent prayer to be...

Comment 4 More Answers 1 Vote Asked April 13 2020


How can I experience true intimacy with God?

We can experience intimacy with God by following Jesus, which means to keep...

Comment 1 More Answer 1 Vote Asked April 11 2020


Can a former Christian who became an atheist still go to heaven?

I think it'll help to analyze this question step by step. Can one who is born...

Comment 6 More Answers Asked April 05 2020


Can a non-Christian (atheist/other religion) still go to heaven if they live a 'good/righteous' life?

The premise of the question is faulty: no one can live a "good/righteous...

Comment 10 More Answers 1 Vote Asked April 03 2020


How can we rely on the power of God?

This is a great question. There are a few ways to interpret this question....

Comment 2 More Answers 1 Vote Asked March 07 2020


I am a Christian in debt. What should I do?

God is indeed "able to make all grace abound toward us." But if you're in...

Comment 2 More Answers Asked March 04 2020


Who would've harmed Cain if God hadn’t put the mark on him?

"Who would have harmed Cain if God had not put a mark on Cain?" I think the...

Comment 1 More Answer 2 Votes Asked February 26 2020


Was the prescription, "Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, fracture for fracture, foot for foot," (Lev 24:19,20) only to be used during the wilderness wandering?

Jesus said something different during His "Sermon on the Mount" of Matt 5-7....

Comment 2 Answers 1 Vote Asked February 24 2020


Should we refrain from long-winded prayers?

When we pray in private it doesn't matter how long we pray, or how we say...

Comment 2 More Answers 2 Votes Asked February 22 2020


How do I respond to an immediate family member who is Wiccan without compromising my faith in Christ?

"How do I respond?" What do you have to respond to? The fact that you say the...

Comment 3 More Answers Asked January 12 2020


Why does God allow spiritual deception to occur?

I understand the question to be asking about the instances in the bible when...

Comment 1 More Answer Asked January 01 2020


If Jesus was God, why did He not know when He would return?

I think Jesus was saying that God the Father had not yet decided on a time...

Comment 9 More Answers 1 Vote Asked December 09 2019


What does it mean to be double-minded?

Jesus describes the double-minded in His parable of the different qualities...

Comment 2 More Answers 2 Votes Asked December 02 2019


How can we ourselves choose to heed a greeting like "have a blessed day" when we are blessed by means beyond our own capabilities?

"Have a blessed day" is just a greeting made in the form of a blessing. The...

Comment 1 More Answer 1 Vote Asked November 23 2019


How does Lot's wife looking back relate to us today?

Does Mrs Lot "looking back" mean that she wanted to go back to a city under...

Comment 4 More Answers 1 Vote Asked November 09 2019