Will Muslims go to heaven?


Clarify Share Report Asked September 15 2014 Mini Marlene Farmer Supporter

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9aa51e4b447252291b959c696fb96539 400x400 Jeremiah Kaaya Supporter Pastor at Springs of Power Church, Teacher by professional
The question is so absolute. Let me equally answer it in absolute terms. Muslims are not going to heaven. I was a Muslim before I confessed Christ as my Lord and Savior. Many things I have come to learn and compare ever since I got Born Again. So to say Muslims are not going to heaven is not simply wishful, it is pretty based on factors among which are the following:

The Muslim god is not the true living God YAHWEH
The only way to heaven is Jesus
The Muslim heaven differs in description from that of the Christians.

The Muslim god (Allah) is not the true living God
The Muslim god is part of a larger devilish network whose only mission is to steal, kill, and destroy as much as he can. Allah is not described anywhere in scripture, what he is nobody knows (except that he is a devil). His characters are quite weird. A god who cheers people murdering (by beheading) others for not following him. A god who doesn't seek a transformation in people and rather kills them must be something else. A genuine parent will feel the pain when their child is sentenced to death (even when convicted of murder). 

The God of the Christian on the other hand is happy and rejoices when a sinful person repents (Lu 15:7). YAHWEH God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ is never happy at the death of the wicked (Ezekiel 18:23), (Ezekiel 33:11). Allah on the other hand himself engineers the death of any one if they refuse to forcefully accept him as their god. Such characters of Allah are reminiscent of a god who feels no pains for anybody because he is not their creator. As that, Allah carries the notion that; if you do not keep with me to perish, I will make sure you perish elsewhere. Violence against non followers of Allah is sanctioned by Allah himself. He personally calls for terror against whoever is not for Islam (Qur'an 2:191, 4:74, 3:151, 9:14, 2:244, 2:216, 4:76, 3:56, 8:39, 4:89, 8:67 etc). Such a god can't be in position to guide anybody to heaven. This is not simply fanatical, it is the truth. 

Unlike Jesus who gives us unprecedented promises of life after death (John 14:1-4), Muhammad who is Allah's lead prophet was never in the know of what would happen to him after death, neither does he know what happens to his followers (Hadith Sahih al-Bukhari Vol 5, Bk 58, No 266). There is no any spiritual assurance at all. 

On that account therefore, Muslims are not going to heaven because they are following a false god who has nothing called heaven except hell. Allah's characters do not qualify him to lead people anywhere except hell.

The only way to heaven is Jesus
Muslims deny the deity of Jesus and His Lordship. They treat Him as just one of the prophets. They downplay all the miracles He performed. They vehemently deny His birth being of God the Father Himself. They go on to deny His death on the cross for the remission of the human sin and His resurrection. Yet Jesus truly speaks of Himself as the only way through which we can meet the Father (John14:6). God the Father Himself testifies of Jesus as His only begotten Son, and that if we love to love Him, we should listen and submit to the Son (Mat 3:17), (Mat 17:5), (Mark 1:11). On this account as well, our Muslim brothers must be heading elsewhere not heaven. 

The Muslim heaven differs in description from that of the Christians.

The way the Muslim heaven is described can never be the same heaven of God YAHWEH. Amongst the variances in this aspect are the following:

There are women specifically for men to play sex with. On the other hand though, there is no such in the heaven which Jesus described to us (Mat 22:30).

In the Muslim heaven, there will be alcohol, people will drink as much as they wish. Now, we all know what alcohol does to anybody... If the Bible teaches against drunkenness here, how can it be encouraged in heaven?

On the above accounts therefore, as absolute as it sounds, Muslims aren't going to the Heaven of YAHWEH God, if anything, it is the exact opposite of it!

September 17 2014 5 responses Vote Up Share Report

Raccoo Bob Johnson Supporter Layperson. Self Educated Theologically - see full bio
"All who call on the Lord Jesus Christ will be saved": Romans 10:8-10

"All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never cast out." John 6:37

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life". Jn 3:16

None of the above verses, and no other verses in the Bible restrict the saving grace of God to particular individuals of only certain national or ethnic backgrounds.

There is an implication in the question though, that I think belies the intent of the question. The real, implied, question is: Will those who believe and follow Islam and the teachings of the Qur'an (or Koran) or Mohammed go to heaven? The answer to that question is an unequivocal "No".

John 14:6 says: "Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

There is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus…. ”(I Timothy 2:5)

The Bible says, “God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself” and “he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.” (II Corinthians 5:19, 21

If mankind could have reached God any other way, then Jesus would not have had to die. His death illustrates the fact that there is no other way. Therefore, no other religion or religious leader can bring someone to the knowledge of the one true God.

When it comes to eternal matters, we need to ask the only one who is alive the way out of the predicament. This is not Mohammed but Jesus Christ. Jesus is unique. He came back from the dead. This demonstrates He is the one whom He claimed to be (Romans 1:4), the unique Son of God and the only way by which a person can have a personal relationship with the true and living God.

God (the God of Israel and Christianity) is not Allah. Allah is not God. Their plan of salvation is completely different. Their view of God is completely different. Their view of man, sin, and faith is completely different. 

It is not just the names that are different: "God" vs "Allah" or "Jesus" vs "Mohammed", for the Bible says: "but these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name. (John 20:31)

Acts 2:38 says: "Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins..."

Even demons know the power of Jesus' Name: "And this she kept doing for many days. Paul, having become greatly annoyed, turned and said to the spirit, “I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her.” And it came out that very hour." (Acts 16:18)

Lastly, 1 John 3:23 says: "And this is His commandment, that we believe in the NAME of his Son Jesus Christ and love one another, just as he has commanded us.

September 16 2014 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Stringio Steve VanDyke Supporter Director, Community Servants Missions Training School, TN
In order for anyone to be saved, they must confess that Jesus is their Lord and believe in their heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). 

By confessing that Jesus is their Lord, it means that Muslims must acknowledge that Jesus is God. All Muslims have an issue with this, not about the teachings of Jesus, but of his deity- that he was full God and fully man. If they get to the point that they can accept Jesus as fully God and fully man, they must accept that he was raised from the dead. Believing in this they must accept that God not only took sin upon himself, but that he actually died. This is the major hurdle for Muslims to get past in accepting that Jesus is God, and by rejecting this fact, they will not get to heaven, nor will anyone who rejects these facts about Jesus. 

The lost person in the middle of the Bible Belt of America has zero chance of getting to heaven if he has not confessed and believed, just as the Muslim or Buddhist or Hindu. John 14:6- " I am the way, the truth and he life. No one comes to the Father except through me." There is no way around Jesus to Heaven.

September 16 2014 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Lynette Carter Supporter
Unless they come to the point of believing Jesus died and rose again for them, then no. Jesus himself declared no-one comes to the Father but by Him. I understand that some people may be offended by this, but this is what our Saviour said in the scriptures, as hard or unfair as some may think this is, if you are a bible believing Christian then this is what the answer is. No matter how people may want to change it or how unfair some may think it is, we don't have a choice there is only one way and that is to know that Jesus died for each and every one of us, all we have to do is believe. What a gift has been bestowed on us! My prayers are for all people to come to Jesus not just the Muslims, for all mankind has been condemned. John 14:6 makes it plain. As some people say " my way or the highway" choice doesn't come into it, you either believe and receive this amazing gift of eternal life or receive the punishment we all deserve.

September 16 2014 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Hairy Animals Supporter
Muslims will clearly not go to heaven because they are not saved. 

John 14:6 tells us that Jesus is "the way, the truth, and the life." "No man can come unto the Father" but by Jesus Christ. Let me emphasize "the". Jesus is the only way anybody can get to heaven. There is just one path to heaven, and it is narrow and straight. Romans 3:23-26 further confirms that.

"For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, whom God put forward as a propitiation by his blood, to be received by faith. This was to show God's righteousness, because in his divine forbearance he had passed over former sins. It was to show his righteousness at the present time, so that he might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus. "

The good news is that God is willing to forgive anyone, Muslim or not! 1 John 1:9, Romans 10:9, Romans 10:13.

September 19 2014 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

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