ESV - 23 Then King Solomon swore by the Lord, saying, "God do so to me and more also if this word does not cost Adonijah his life!
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Even though David had never had 'relations' with Abishag, she still had ministered to his most intimate needs. She would have been considered his concubine and a part of his harem. And we remember what happened to Absalom. (2 Samuel 16:21) Basically, while on the surface it merely appeared that Adonijah was looking for a beautiful woman, the underlying threat was that it was Adonijah's way of attempting to circumvent God's will and subvert his brother by still establishing a claim to the throne. Solomon saw through this and rightly judged Adonijah for his rebellion against Solomon and, more egregiously, God.!bible/1+Kings+2:19
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