Is temptation a sin? Is it a sin to be tempted?


Clarify Share Report Asked July 01 2013 Mini Anonymous (via GotQuestions)

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Shea S. Michael Houdmann Supporter Got Questions Ministries
Temptation, by its very nature, feels wrong. God's moral law is written in the heart of every human being (Romans 1:20), and when a sinful temptation is introduced, our consciences immediately sens...

July 01 2013 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini A Lamb Supporter
Benjamin Franklin said that the only thing certain in life is death and tax’s. Well he forgot to add temptation.
Even Jesus our Lord was tempted by the devil so temptation is not a sin. However giving into temptation will lead to sin and sin leads to death.

God has promised us that any temptation we face is not more than what we can bear and the temptations faced are all common to mankind. (1 Cor 10:13)

There are three things God has given us that we can use to overcome temptation and we also see how Jesus handled temptation when he was being tempted by satan.

1.	The Word of God - Jesus used the word against satan during the period of fasting in the wilderness.
2.	The blood of Jesus Christ – Jesus has given us victory by the cross and we can plead His wonderful name that every demon trembles at. If we have impure thinking we can confess His name to release us from this.
3.	The Holy Spirit – Whenever we are about to embark on anything unscrupulous including the thought of giving into temptation we hear the still quiet voice of the Holy Spirit. (well I know I do)

Hope this helps you because it did me when my pastor shared this and much more about temptation.

Bottom line is that we will all be tempted at some point in our lifetime and it would be impossible to go through a life without being tempted.

July 27 2014 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Data Steven Best Supporter Former mil intel analyst, chiropractor & Bible Teacher
There is no sin in being tempted, only in giving way to its allures, and our ability to resist is based on our hearts' affections and our maturity in the Lord. However, there is another aspect of the sin of temptation which is seldom discussed, but needs to be, and that is the fact that we can be the source, intentionally or unintentionally, of tempting others, and this is sin. For instance, it is always a sin to invite someone into areas they should not go, such as inviting a recovering alcoholic to have a drink, or celebrate a birthday at a bar. In doing so, we are very likely luring someone into the presence of temptations they are not strong enough to resist (I Cor 8:9).

How we choose our friends also says a lot about the kinds of temptations we allow into our lives, because those walking in sin often enjoy luring others down their paths (Rom 1:32). In my experience, it is no different for drug users, gamblers, sex addicts, etc. This is why Paul wrote a strong warning to the church at Corinth, carried down to us through the centuries today (I Cor 15:33). Consider Sodom and Gomorrah. It wasn't enough the people of these cities thought they had a right to do as they please, but that they could impose their licentious behavior upon others possessing no such desires (Gen 19:4-5). 

Unfortunately, this has become a problem in the church today, as pastors and church boards seek to compromise with governments, which have lost their moral compasses and are seeking to impose their lack of moral judgment upon the church, by using intimidating language such as "hate crimes" and "intolerance." However, when church leadership opens the doors to immoral, so-called brethren, they ignore Paul's stern warning and instruction to the church (I Cor 5: 11, II Cor 6:14) and thereby bring temptation squarely into the house of God (Acts 20:28-31), where the young, impressionable, and weaker members need to be instructed, strengthened and matured in their faith.

Therefore, It is my firm conviction that the answer to the question of whether or not temptation is sin is both complex and essential. Certainly it is not always a sin just to be tempted. Jesus was tempted yet was found to be without sin (Mat, 4:1 Heb 4:15) because God allows certain temptations in our lives, in order to reveal the impurities of our hearts. This is so we can draw near to him and strengthen those areas in our lives. However, temptation becomes a sin, when a Christian is participating with that temptation in any way, such as going to places where they know they will be tempted. Similarly, believers seeking to share "freedoms" with weaker believers, draw them into temptations God did not intend, which is also a sin. Similarly, It is a sin to bring temptation into the church in the way that many are today in the name of “tolerance.” Congregational leaders will be responsible for whatever they allow to be practiced openly in the church, by so-called believers. That such a church's young, impressionable, and/or weaker members may fall into those temptations, is practically guaranteed, when not afforded the protection God expects for them in the assembly of the righteous (I Pet 5:1-5, II Tim 4:1-5).

May 05 2015 3 responses Vote Up Share Report

My picture Jack Gutknecht Supporter Arizona Bible College graduate and Dallas Seminary graduate
Abraham is "tempted," being called upon to offer up Isaac (Gen 22:1); and Jesus is "tempted" to a spectacular Messiahship (Mt. 4 and parallel passages). No evil is implied in the subject of these temptations. Temptation therefore in the Scripture sense has possibilities of holiness as well as of sin. For as all experience witnesses, it is one thing to be tempted, another thing to fall. To be tempted--one may rejoice in that (Jas. 1:2), since in temptation, by conquering it, one may achieve a higher and nobler manhood. —Charles M. Stuart

Martin Luther once wrote that evil thoughts come like birds flying over our heads. We cannot help that. But if we allow them to build nests on our heads, then we are responsible for them. -- J. Heinrich Arnold

So no, temptation is not a sin. It is NOT a sin to be tempted.

August 08 2022 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

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