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The Bible strongly condemns spiritism, mediums, the occult, and psychics (Leviticus 20:27; Deuteronomy 18:10-13). Horoscopes, tarot cards, astrology, fortune tellers, palm readings, and s"ances fal...
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Twelve Forbidden Practices connected with psychic and mediums 1. Enchantments-- practice of magical arts (Ex 22, 18 Lev. 19: 26; Dt. 18: 10; 2Chr. 33: 6; 2Ki. 17: 17; 21: 6; Isa 12; Jer. 27: 9; Dan. 1: 20) 2. Witchcraft-- practice of dealing with evil spirits (Ex. 22: 18; Dt. 18: 10; 1Sam. 15: 23; 2Chr. 33: 6; 2Ki. 9: 22; Mic. 5: 12; Nah. 3: 4; Gal. 5: 19- 21) 3. Sorcery-- same as witchcraft (Ex. 7: 11; Isa 12; Jer. 27: 9; Dan. 2: 2; Mal. 3: 5; Acts 8: 9- 11 13: 6- 8 Rev. 9: 21; 18: 23; 21: 8; 22: 15) 4. Soothsaying-- same as witchcraft (Isa. 2: 6; Dan 11; Mic. 5: 12) 5. Divination-- the art of mystic insight or fortunetelling (Num. 22: 7; 23: 23; Dt. 18: 10- 14 2Ki. 17: 17; 1Sam. 6: 2; Jer. 14: 14; 27: 9; 29: 8; Ezek. 12: 24; 13: 6- 7, 23 21: 22- 29 22: 28; Mic. 3: 7; Zech. 10: 2; Acts 16: 16) 6. Wizardry-- same as witchcraft. A wizard is a male and a witch is a female who practices witchcraft. Both were to be destroyed in Israel (Ex. 22: 18; Lev 27; Dt. 18: 11; 1 Sam 9; Ki. 21: 6; 23: 24; 2Chr. 33: 6; Isa. 19: 3) 7. Necromancy-- divination by means of pretended communication with the dead (Dt 18:11; Isa 8:19; 1 Sam 28; Chr. 10:13) 8. Magic-- any pretended supernatural art or practice (Gen 41:8, 24 Ex 7:11, 22; 8:7; Dan 1:20; 2:2, 10, 27; 4:7, 9; 5:11; Acts 19:19) 9. Charm-- to put a spell upon (same as enchantment, Dt 18:11; Isa 19:3) 10. Prognostication-- to foretell by indications, omens, signs, etc. (Isa 47:13) 11. Observing times-- same as prognostication (Lev 19:26; Dt 18:10; 2 Ki 21:6; Chr. 33:6) 12. Astrology and star gazing-- divination by stars (Isa 47:13; Jer 10:2; Dan 1:20; 2:2, 10; 4:7; 5:7-15) All the above 12 practices were and still are carried on in connection with demons, called familiar spirits. All who forsook God and sought help from these demons were to be destroyed (Lev 19:31; 20:6; Dt 18:11; 1 Sam 28; Ki. 21:6; 23:24; 1 Chr 10:13; Chr. 33:6; Isa 8:19; 19:3; 29:4. See 1 Tim 4:1-8 Th. 2:8- 12 Mt 24:24; Rev 13; ).
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