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Is it acceptable to have communion outside of the church?


Clarify Share Report Asked July 01 2013 Mini Anonymous (via GotQuestions)

For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Comments are sorted chronologically.

Mini pearl malyk

My little girl, 3 years old and I were taking communion like we often do in our home. We do it in obedience to Jesus' own words to "do this in remembrance of me" until He comes (1 Corinthians 11:24-26). She believes deeply in God, Jesus and Holy Spirit, in healing and prayer, etc. She will tell you Jesus lives in her heart. She will tell you God grew her in her mommy's tummy and God gave her as a gift to me (she's my granddaughter and I raise her). We pray and praise God and give Him thanks and take communion together often.

On this occasion she asked me: "Nana does it hurt Jesus when we eat His body and drink His blood?"

My heart stopped. I cried inside to God. This was a VERY important question and I needed God's answer because I didn't have one! I mumbled for a few seconds, waiting for God to help me, because God's Word says if we lack wisdom we can ask & He WILL give it to us! (James 1:5)... and He did!

I said, "If you look at a picture of papa.. is that papa in the picture?"
She said "Yes!"
I said "If we rip the picture will it hurt papa?"
She said "No"
I said, honey... communion is like that... Jesus said THIS IS My body, broken for you, take, eat, do this in remembrance of Me, and He said "this IS my blood which was shed for you, take and drink this in remembrance of Me.
I said we are doing what Jesus asked us to do, and obeying Him, but like ripping a picture it doesn't hurt him because this is like a picture of Him.

God cares about us, and honors our faith and obedience. My church virtually never does communion, and Jesus said to do it often, so we obey Jesus humbly in our home. We simply need to do our best to honor and obey our Lord in all areas of our lives.

January 12 2014 Report

Mini Carol Shihadeh

I fell like there is a difference between Catholics and Evangelical Christians,so therefore I would feel uncomfortable taking comunion in a Catholic church. I also feel people that can administror comunicated are usually decons or elders.

April 03 2018 Report

Mini Carol Shihadeh

I feel like there is a difference between Catholics and Evangelical Christians,so therefore I would feel uncomfortable taking comunion in a Catholic church. I also feel people that can administror comunion are usually decons or elders.

April 03 2018 Report

Mini Janet Austin

Pearl Malyk, I think your analogy about the photo is WONDERFUL! Thank you!

To me, communion is a gift from God to us and I believe God is pleased when we take communion whether in a church, at home, or in the wilderness. As long as our hearts are one with God, we can have communion any time...and how wonderful that we take the time to sincerely remember what Christ Jesus did for us.

October 04 2021 Report

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