What does it mean that Jesus saves?


Clarify Share Report Asked July 01 2013 Mini Anonymous (via GotQuestions)

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Shea S. Michael Houdmann Supporter Got Questions Ministries
"Jesus saves" is a popular slogan on bumper stickers, signs at athletic events, and even banners being pulled across the sky by small airplanes. Sadly, few who see the phrase "Jesus saves" truly an...

July 01 2013 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini James Kraft Supporter 74 year old retired pipeline worker
Jesus is our only savior. If there was another way, then Jesus died for nothing. If you could earn heaven by what you do, then Jesus died in vain. If you could obey Gods laws, would that save you? No, because we can not obey Gods laws. Only Jesus could do it. That is why He is the savior and we can only accept what He did for us. We can do nothing to save our selves.

You might be the best person that ever lived, but if you do not have Jesus as your savior you will go to hell. It does not matter what you do.

If your salvation depends on you in any way, then it is not on the finished work of Jesus. You are trusting in your self to save yourself.

John 3:16 says to believe on Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved and your house. It says if you do not believe, you are condemned already.

Will being against abortion and homosexuality save you? Lots of people are against those things, but it will not save you.

There is only one way to be saved. It is to put your faith in what Jesus did when he said it is finished. 

If there was another way to be saved, then Jesus died for no reason.

You can not work your way to heaven, and you can not keep from sin. First John 1:8 If you say you have no sin, you deceive yourself and the truth is not in you. So believers still sin.

First John 1:10 If you say you have not sinned, you make God a liar. 

Salvation is a free gift from God. He made it that way so that even a little child could be saved by trusting Jesus to save them.

They understand it in a minute. Jesus said you have to come to me with the faith of a child. A child believes what you tell them. They get the spirit of God right off. 

I knew I was saved forever when I trusted Jesus to save me when I was 4 years old. I have never doubted it since. He told me through the spirit that I was His forever. 

By grace you are saved, through faith, without works, lest any man should boast. We did nothing for our salvation, so we have nothing to boast in. Jesus paid it all.

If Jesus is our only savior, we have hope. Without Him we have no hope. Only Jesus can save us by what He did for us.

December 28 2016 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Grant Abbott Supporter Child of Father, Follower of Son, Student of Spirit
I would like to add some thoughts on:
1) Why Jesus came to save us
2) Why our salvation is so important to God
3) What happens when we are saved

God created human beings and the entire universe in which we live (Gen 1:1 - 2:3). God made humans with a body, mind, will, emotions and spirit that reflected his image (Gen 1:26). This Divine Nature in humans reflects the character of God by the way we think, speak and act. God gave humans dominion over all the earth and the freedom to enjoy all of God's creation. God provided humans with the ability to live forever by partaking of the fruit from the tree of life (Gen 2:9). God spoke with the first humans and had a personal relationship with them.

God only issued one prohibition (Gen 2:17) But from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat from it you shall surely die. Evil existed in God's creation because Lucifer, one of the angels had become proud and sought God's glory. Lucifer, who is now known as Satan, was cast out of heaven and he deceived 1/3 of the angels to join him. Satan tricked the first humans to eat the forbidden fruit and disobey God's command.

As a result the divine nature in human beings died, they no longer reflected the image of God and their intimate fellowship with God ended. Human beings understood evil but were also captivated by it. This is commonly referred to as our sinful human nature. It became an infectious disease that consumed humankind. The evil became so prevalent that God decided to end the human race through a world wide flood, while saving one righteous man Noah and his family to start over. But the sin infection returned and the evil once again spread over the whole earth.

This sinful condition is poignantly described by God in Psalm 14:1-3 "The fool says in his heart there is no God. They are corrupt, they do abominable deeds, there is no one who does good. The Lord looks down from heaven on the children of man, to see if there are any who understand, who seek after God. They have all turned aside; together they have become corrupt' there is none who does good, not even one."

God chose Abraham to become a nation of God's people (Israel) so the world would be able to find God through their witness. Then God gave Israel his laws, statutes and regulations so they would know how to life a God pleasing life. But still they rebelled. He sent them prophets as messengers calling them to repent of their sinful ways.

This demonstrates God's incredible enduring love for his creation. He was not willing that they should perish. His heart's desire was to forgive their sin and to restore their relationship with him for all eternity. And God had a plan to deal with this sinful human nature once and for all, Jesus, the only Son of God,. would become a human being. He would show us what God is like and tell us about his kingdom. He would suffer and die on a cross to take our place, suffering God's wrath against our sin, so we could be forgiven and receive new life. Romans 5:8 says that "God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Jesus lived, suffered, died and rose again to fulfil God's plan of salvation. 

A person is saved when they hear the gospel message about Jesus - who he is and what he has done for them. Once they believe that message to be true and invite Jesus to be their personal saviour, a person is saved. When this salvation takes place, the following benefits occur:
1) we are united with Christ and our sinful human nature dies with him on the cross
2) the Holy Spirit comes to live within us and breathes life into our human spirit and we are born again
3) this new birth restores the divine nature that reflects the image of God in us.
4) our intimate fellowship with God is restored because all our sins are covered by the blood of Jesus
5) we struggle with the desires of our flesh but the Holy Spirit enables us to overcome and lead a God pleasing life.

March 10 2016 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

1515012380789778228527 RICK PORTER Supporter Chaplain [ Truckers Chapel ]-- Undeserving Child of God
These are all very good and Biblically sound thoughts, on what Jesus saves means. 

In a succinct way, the explanation can be outlined: {1} Jesus saves one fromTHE PENALTY OF SIN- Romans 6:23-Salvation.

{2} Jesus saves one from THE POWER OF SIN- 2 Corinthians 5:14-17-Sanctification.

{3} Jesus saves one from THE PRESENCE OF SIN-2 Corinthians 5:1-5 and Philippians 3:20-21- Glorification.

January 12 2017 1 response Vote Up Share Report

My picture Jack Gutknecht Supporter Arizona Bible College graduate and Dallas Seminary graduate
1. Jesus Christ saves by his death
1 Peter 1:18-19 These 2 verses say, starting in verse 18 knowing that you were ransomed from the futile ways inherited from your forefathers, not with perishable things such as silver or gold, 19 but with the precious blood of Christ, like that of a lamb without blemish or spot.

2. See too that Jesus Christ saves by his resurrection life (Romans 5:10): For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life. 

See also Hebrews 7:25 25: Therefore also he is able to save completely those who draw near to God through him because he always lives in order to intercede on their behalf. (LEB)

As the hymnwriter, Priscilla J. Owens, put it:
“Jesus saves, Jesus saves; By His death and endless life.”

February 07 2021 1 response Vote Up Share Report

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