My experience with the church has mainly been with Baptist Churches, in truth though I've attended many different churches and personally do not differentiate. Unlike many baptists, I observe Lent and participate in Ash Wednesday. My justification is showing humility before the Lord I walked into the break room at lunch to eat, and one of my coworkers said "I didn't realize you're Catholic" to which I replied "I am not, but I still observe it and partake in the fasting." His face became red, his eyes widened and he said that I was committing blasphemy. I began to explain my reasoning behind it, and he said that what I am doing is offensive and he does not want to talk about it. I must admit, I was quite disgusted by the interaction (hence me feeling the need to share it here) but I held my tongue and let him move on. I in no way believe what I'm doing is some sort of charade, but I also do not believe it is a sacrament either. I feel compelled to by God to do what I do. I now concern for my coworker that he is only in it for the tradition. My question for Catholic or not Catholic, why do or don't you observe Lent? And if you do, what are you giving up this season?
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