Why are Christians so afraid in this COVID-19 pandemic?

Christians in the New Testament experienced great trials and tribulations - lost jobs, lost homes, lost lives in the arena, but kept their faith. What has happened to modern Christians?

John 16:33

ESV - 33 I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.

Clarify Share Report Asked October 23 2020 Mini Grant Abbott Supporter

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My picture Jack Gutknecht Supporter Arizona Bible College graduate and Dallas Seminary graduate
Great question, Grant!

"Once the virus is deeply embedded in the body, it begins to cause more severe disease. This is where direct attack on other organs that have ACE2 receptors can occur, including heart muscle, kidneys, blood vessels, the liver, and potentially the central nervous system." (i.e. Covid attacks every major organ). What will be the long terms affects for me if I get it? I don't want to even think about it. 

It's taking so long to go away. And the fact the the United States leads all of 195 nations of the world as being the worst in "handling" it is a concern.

Wearing a face mask is only 75% effective. At least it's that much. That face masks are being poorly worn (or not at all) in my workplace and other local workplaces is a big concern for me, a Christian, though. I talk to them about it, and some comply, some argue, and some laugh me off.

October 25 2020 2 responses Vote Up Share Report

Open uri20141004 29797 1f2l44v Lisa Clower Supporter
I believe if Christians would investigate all sides of this issue - the science put forth by CDC, WHO, etc - and actually investigate the available medicines (hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, Vitamins D/C, Zinc, Oil of Oregano, Grapeseed Extract, Olive Leaf Extract (these extracts are natural antibiotics) - as well as be aware of the actual "days" we are in, they would *see* (in the spiritual) what is behind this "push" (of the government "regulations") and be able to respond in faith, knowing that the enemy is using this to attack the Church as well as attempting to steal our faith and joy in Christ.

God has already given us everything we need to deal with this "crisis". We need to put feet to our faith and respond accordingly, rebuking the lies of the enemy and the actions he is behind.

February 05 2021 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Gene Deloach Supporter
Christians do not fear coronavirus but the message it sends. Covid and the world’s response demonstrates our total lack of understanding of what this virus illustrates for coming attractions or what’s around the corner. In plain English, it’s a warning to us, God’s creation, to start getting our life in order and ready to face what the Bible calls the end times!

A Christian’s greatest fear is for those that have not accepted God’s Son, Jesus Christ, the savior of the world as their personal savior. From family, friends, co-workers and neighbors, Covid has changed how the world operated from politics, education, church, to buying groceries, to interaction with our next door neighbors, everything! Covid controls every fabric of our life at present time!

Covid has changed everything and changed us. A virus, not a war, an air borne contaminant, not a natural disaster, has our full attention and controls us in many parts of our life and daily living as stated. 

What concerns or should concern Christians is the message Covid sends as a preview of what the Revelation lays out for the world as the “end time”!
In the reality of the actual things that happen in and to this world, Covid is nothing in comparison to what is to come.

Here lies the fear Christians have, not covid, but what covid points to!

During these trying times, many now worship from home. Our opportunities to witness are decreased, because of the virus people won’t get close or even take a tract from you. But, three aspects of our Christian life the virus can not touch: Our relationship with God in Christ, the the Holy Spirit guided study of His word and the most powerful act a Christian has at their disposal, prayer.

A question to ponder: If a virus can do this, what or how will the world react to the rapture of million upon millions of true believers?

If you take the time to read he Revelation you will see that the end time is all about Israel. What’s happening with covid is a 180-degree turn in the way the United States operates. A new administration that is at this point showing hostility toward Israel and the Jewish people. If the US pulls away from supporting Israel, we are doomed to very bad times.

So, do not fear a virus but rather fear this: people leaving this earth without Christ in their mind, heart and life. Let this be the fear that motivates us to stay separated and serve our Lord and savior. The only way we can help others see Christ!

February 12 2021 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Tim Maas Supporter Retired Quality Assurance Specialist with the U.S. Army
In my opinion, fear surrounding COVID-19 is connected with what is still unknown about it (especially all its possible modes of transmission), the suddenness with which it has struck or spread, and the fact that a preventive measure (such as a vaccine) has not yet been developed for it.

The types of past trials referenced in the question generally involved dealing with tangible external hazards or adversaries. Under those circumstances, risks and possible losses could more or less be known, evaluated, and prepared for (physically, spiritually, or both) in advance.

To me, it would be difficult (even for a Christian) under the current circumstances to be assured of doing everything that could be done in the way of prevention, as well as to be totally confident of who would or would not be affected.

Even if Christians can (and should) still have supreme confidence and faith in their eternal destiny, as well as as of God's ultimate control of events, it seems to me that those uncertainties (not only on behalf of themselves, but of their loved ones as well) could create concerns for which God would not condemn them.

October 25 2020 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Emilio 1992 Emo Tenorio Supporter Shomer
Grant, a very timely question and I submit an opinion with some facts for consideration. Christians past and present have sometimes followed strict regimens as a spiritual discipline. But those regimens were and still are almost always CHOSEN. These UNCONSTITUTIONAL RITUALS were FORCED upon healthy worshipers, thus forsaking the rule of law.

Worse these cult like Covidism rituals of purification are forcibly applied to the entirety of a healthy society. All polite society is now guilty and must follow the new SECULAR RELIGIOUS rituals of the lab coated priests to ward off possible physical attacks for any heresy. (Proverbs 22:3)

The public health overkill response are more appropriate for dealing with Ebola. This GOVERNMENTAL response in league with 24/7 FALSE MEDIA juggernaut of impending doom. Has turned an inherently non-catastrophic virus, into a much worse catastrophe. (Colossians 4:5)

Further many other things are also in play during this small time frame.
The unsettling effects of the defunding theatricals with never ending riot looting festivals, all without any fruitful prosecutions? Being somewhat alarmed polite general society watches the approaching election storm. 
Perhaps becoming aware for the very first time of a simple fact; polite societies have always skated on thin ice. So some 7.5 million citizens have responded by purchasing firearms, with most being first time buyers. 
The FBI background checks in such record setting numbers are but a snap shot of this time. (Proverbs 27:12; Luke 12:56; Luke 22:36)

Bottom Line:
BUREAUCRATIC types in their wisdom deemed many private small businesses as NON ESSENTIAL. And many of these privately held enterprises were the fruit of long hours of hard work by both their owners and employees. Many will now silently slide into bankruptcy some losing homes or everything. Worship sanctuaries are also NON ESSENTIAL so their faithful are not permitted gathering to strengthen each other. (Galatians 4:16)

COVID 19 may finally becomes a sad memory at some point in time. 
So do not be surprised to hear caterwauling governmental types taking credit for defeating a killer pandemic with their wise stringent responses. Having conquered the very catastrophe that they themselves created.

"Science without religion is lame; religion without science is blind." 
~Albert Einstein

"the law is what you can enforce pilgrim" ~John Wayne 

In the Lord's freedom...warrior on

October 26 2020 1 response Vote Up Share Report

Mini Sharon Fiocca Supporter Retired speech pathologist
Just saying I am not fearful. I live to the best of my ability a healthy lifestyle, treating my body as a temple of the Lord and trust God for the rest. I also follow the current cures out there that are now available, and the biggest thing to do is support a healthy immune system: Get rid of coffee and diet drinks, eat Whole Foods, and take B12, Vitamin C, CoQ10, Zinc, Vitamin D3. I have heard take Quercetin if you get sick, along with seeing a doctor; I also have become a vegan (plus a little fish) to clean up my body even more.

February 05 2021 6 responses Vote Up Share Report

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