What is God's Word?

Can someone give me a summary?

Ps 33:4; Jn 17:17
2Sa 22:31 ppp Ps 18:30; Pr 30:5 
1Kings 8:56;  III Kings 10:10
Ps 103:20 
Ps 119:89,152; Isa 40:8;  1Pet. 1:25 
Ps 119:103 
Ps 138:2
 Isa 45:23 
Eph 6:17
2Ti 2:9  
Heb 4:12  
1Pe 1:23 

Clarify Share Report Asked January 21 2020 My picture Jack Gutknecht Supporter

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20230618 192834 Donna Williams Supporter
To sum up all that I have read by the scriptures that you have referenced; the Word of God is right, true, pure and has been proven and will never fail. 

Everything that He has said would happen, has happened. His word must be obeyed and taken heed to, in the earth, as it is obeyed by the angels in heaven. 

His word is spoken in truth and in righteousness. It is the sword of the Spirit; it is alive, powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword.

It is an incorruptible seed that will never die, it lives and abides forever!

This reminds me of Philippians 4:8: "Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. "

January 22 2020 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Shirley H Supporter Wife, mother, veteran in the spiritual war we all face!
All the verses you listed are wonderful..God's Word, The Holy Bible, is all of that and more. 

The Hebrew word for word is dabar. It is derived from the verb "to speak," and it stands for the word or thing spoken. Often it means the idea or the content of what is said. An example is 2 Samuel 11:19, which means - matter. In Exodus 16:16, is a thing. Deuteronomy 24:5, is business.

The phrase "word of the Lord" was used by prophets at the beginning of a message. In biblical literature "word" can be a term for prophecy. The word of revelation is associated with prophets...the same way, wisdom is associated with wise men. Law is associated with the priests. Jeremiah used dabar, more than any other prophet to declare that he had been given authority by God to deliver a message.

Genesis 1:26, "Then God said,'Let Us make man in Our image..." notice Us.
The plural allows for more than one. It allows the progression of the Bible to declare the Holy Trinity. 

I think of THE Word, in the Bible as, " But the Word of our God stands forever." Isaiah 40:8

The Word, is - John 1:1-17..And He shall reign forever and ever AMEN!


January 22 2020 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

My picture Jack Gutknecht Supporter Arizona Bible College graduate and Dallas Seminary graduate
God’s Word is right and truth: Ps 33:4; Jn 17:17.

It is perfect/pure/tamim (Hebrew): 2Sa 22:31 ppp Ps 18:30; Pr 30:5 
It is failproof: 1Ki 8:56; III Kings 10:10.

Ps 103:20 God’s Word is carried out by angels, ready and able to fly at his bidding.

It is settled/founded/standing/enduring “for ever” (KJV): Ps 119:89,152; Isa 40:8; 1Pe 1:25; i.i.e. it is eternal.

Ps 119:103 God’s Word is delectable and delightful.

Ps 138:2 God’s Word is exalted above everything (else). 

Isa 45:23 TLV God’s Word is irrevocable.

Eph 6:17 God’s Word is the mighty razor-sharp Spirit-sword of the spoken Word of God, an indispensable weapon.

2Ti 2:9 GGod’s Word is not chained.

Heb 4:12 God’s Word is living and working.

1Pe 1:23 GGod’s Word is living and enduring.

Two Scriptural examples of people studying and obeying god’s word are: 

1. Ezra 7:10

"Now Ezra had dedicated himself to the study of the law of the LORD, to its observance, and to teaching its statutes and judgments in Israel."

2. Acts 17:11

"These Jews were more open-minded than those in Thessalonica, for they eagerly received the message, examining the scriptures carefully every day to see if these things were so."

January 24 2020 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Amonite spiritual answers in scripture inspirational logo a166979a fcd5 40e1 ac24 6c7050f8ec78 A.I. Bloom Supporter A.I. Bloom Model for Bible Questions
The Bible uses many terms and descriptions to convey the essence of God's Word, highlighting its various attributes and functions:

Nature and Character of God's Word:

Truthful and Reliable: God's Word is described as truth itself (John 17:17, Psalm 119:152). It is unfailing and eternal (Psalm 119:89, Isaiah 40:8, 1 Peter 1:25).

Righteous and Just: The Word reflects God's righteousness and justice (Psalm 33:4, 2 Samuel 22:31.)

Pure and Flawless: God's Word is pure and without error (Psalm 18:30, Proverbs 30:5.)

Powerful and Effective: The Word is active and powerful, sharper than any double-edged sword (Hebrews 4:12.)

Life-Giving and Sustaining: God's Word is sweeter than honey and gives life (Psalm 119:103.)

Unchanging and Eternal: It stands firm forever (Psalm 119:89).

Functions and Purposes of God's Word:

Revelation of God's Will: The Word reveals God's will and purposes for humanity (1 Kings 8:56.)

Guidance and Instruction: It provides guidance and instruction for living a righteous life (Psalm 119:105.)

Comfort and Encouragement: The Word offers comfort and encouragement in times of difficulty (Psalm 119:50.)

Correction and Reproof: It corrects and reproves, leading people towards righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16.)

Source of Faith and Salvation: The Word is the source of faith and leads to salvation (Romans 10:17, 1 Peter 1:2.)

Weapon against Evil: It serves as a weapon against evil forces and spiritual powers (Ephesians 6:17).

Our Response to God's Word:

Obedience and Submission: We are called to obey and submit to God's Word (Psalm 138:2, Isaiah 45:23.)

Study and Meditation: We should diligently study and meditate on the Word (2 Timothy 2:1.) 

Sharing and Proclamation: We are called to share and proclaim the Word to others (Matthew 28:19-20.)

God's word in scripture is a multifaceted gift that reveals His character, instructs us in righteousness, and empowers us to live a life pleasing to Him.

In addition to God's revealed words in scripture, the Lord Jesus Christ is also shown as the eternal Word of God, revealed to man in His incarnation. 

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." John 1:1

This verse establishes the pre-existence and divinity of the Word, identifying Jesus as the eternal Logos, the principle of Divine reason and creative power. Not only is Jesus the instrument through which all was created, but the very Creator. He is not a created being, but God Himself.

"The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. We have seen His glory, the glory of the one and only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth." John 1:14

Words are a primary means of communication and relationship-building. Similarly, Jesus serves as the ultimate communicator between God and humanity. He reveals God's love, forgiveness, and plan for salvation. Through Jesus, we can enter into a personal relationship with God.

The Word of God carries inherent authority and power. Jesus, as the Word, possesses the same authority and power. His teachings have the power to transform lives and his actions demonstrate God's power over sin and death. Throughout the Old Testament, prophets spoke of a coming Messiah. Jesus fulfills these prophecies, demonstrating that he is the Word of God made flesh. His life, death, and resurrection are the ultimate fulfillment of God's promises.

By recognizing Jesus as the Word of God, we are invited to:

- Listen to his teachings with reverence and obedience.

- Seek a deeper relationship with Him as the revealer of God.

- Trust in his authority and power for our salvation and transformation.

Jesus, the Word of God, stands at the center of the Christian faith, offering us hope, meaning, and a path to eternal life.

[Answer generated by A.I. Bloom model trained by Jennifer Rothnie and and edited for clarity and conformity with scripture.]

April 12 2024 1 response Vote Up Share Report

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