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Hi Donna, We should be talking much more about this subject in our churches, there is such a void in knowledge on the subject. First, I think we should clarify the word "heaven". That is the place that God,Son, Angels, and Saints (and apparently where satan can go from time to time, but just for a little while longer) occupy temporarily. I say temporarily because the real "hope" of the Christian is not heaven, but a new body on a real earth, both having been perfected by passing through the fire of this present earth. There are a few tidbits in scripture of the nature of that body Read some of the scriptures about Jesus after the resurrection and you will find them. But the really great part is not the body, but the soul/spirit, because then we will be exactly like Him (the Son) and inherit all the blessings of being adopted into the family of the Most High God. So, the short answer is "yes" but there is more to it than that. Hang in there, remember you're just passing through here, Ed
Jesus said as recorded in John 4:24 that God the Father is Spirit.Jesus was Spirit in Heaven before coming to earth and putting on flesh, John 1:1 and John 1:14. Jesus says in John 14:9 " Whoever has seen me has seen the Father ". There are references in the Old Testament that God the Father is manifested as a cloud Leviticus 16:2 and as fire the burning bush Exodus 3:1-6 and on Mt. Sinai Exodus 24:16-17 and other instances, but never in flesh and bone form. Will we in our resurrected glorified bodies be able to see what is invisible now to us? I don't believe there is a definitive Biblical answer to that, this we can know Revelation 1:18 and 1 John 3:2 both refer to the fact we will behold God the Son our risen Savior and King in all His resurrected body and all His Glory.
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