Is saying OMG or words like 'geez' still taking the Lord's name in vain?


Clarify (1) Share Report Asked July 01 2013 Mini Anonymous (via GotQuestions)

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Shea S. Michael Houdmann Supporter Got Questions Ministries
The idea of "taking the Lord's name in vain" is first found in Exodus 20 when Moses receives the Ten Commandments. The third commandment states, "You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in...

July 01 2013 7 responses Remove Vote Share Report

Image Greg Kelly Supporter
Don't be in bondage over words. This site has a novel of discussion on why keeping the law (Just look at the discussion over the Sabbath question) is legalism and an encyclopedia of discussion and answers that obedience is or isn't legalism versus saved by grace and then we belabor over "no harm meant" phrases? Makes no sense does it? Rest in Jesus, allow this "conviction" to be taken to the Lord in prayer and let Him do the work of cleaning up "bad language" no matter what the words or phrases might be.

You are a child of God, have you accepted Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior? If the mirror called the law has shown you a dirty face in saying "OMG" or "Geez" then allow Jesus to clean it up and I suspect it will as you take it to him in prayer and grow closer to Him. Rest brother and don't fall under bondage of some words. They are important, but let Jesus do the work, rest and don't sweat it, have faith grow closer to Christ, read His Word daily and know that by beholding we become changed. 

Look in the mirror (The Ten Commandments) sure, but remember that mirror can not clean your face, only the cleansing blood and promise of a new and better covenant will do that. Be of good cheer and not in bondage. Use your freedom for a close knit friendship with Jesus and He will do the "rest". 

Many will perhaps not understand, but read The Word and Study YOUR Bible, talk with Jesus daily, give God your praise and worship and ask Him to show you your sin, but ask HIM to cleanse you and He will. But trying to clean yourself up in order to feel better about the aforementioned is what sinks so many, so they feel they have to ask someone else for advice on the (if you think about it) trivial.

I do not say these thing to stir up strife with what I consider all brothers and sisters in Jesus, but many things simply do not require a thesis paper. The answer really is as solid as your faith and relationship with Jesus, again as solid as your faith (real, or semi? Sincere or every once in a while) and your relationship. (daily? Weekly? Semi-monthly? Or "Every thought"?

September 26 2014 3 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Tammy Kim Supporter
I personally don't think that words like OMG take the Lord's name in vain.  I'm pretty sure God can distinguish whether we are speaking conversationally or actually lifting up a prayer to Him.  In my own personal quiet time, I understood "taking the Lord's name in vain" to mean that when we are saved, we are "taking on" the Lord's name.  Similar to how women used to change their last names and after marriage, represent their husband's family as well as their own.  We are now the Lord's.  We belong to Him, and we are one with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.  Therefore, as Christians, we are to represent Him in all that we do, and live to glorify His name through our speech, conduct, work, family life, and private life as well.  It is not a one word sin.  Just as the Israelites were known to be God's people, so we too, are His through the resurrection of Christ Jesus, who abolished sin and set us free from our fate of eternal damnation.  This is a sobering thought, and should remind anyone who is of the faith, that it is not our good intentions that honour Him per se, but it is simply when we yield to His Spirit and obey His rhema (daily Word to us)... it is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.  Not just a following of doctrine or rules.  

Paul put it this way:
"All things are lawful for me, but not all things are profitable."
(I Cor. 6:12; 10:23)
"All things are lawful for me, but I will not be mastered by anything."
(I Cor. 6:12)
"All things are lawful, but not all things edify."
(I Cor. 10:23)

August 22 2013 4 responses Vote Up Share Report

Stringio Mark Mcgee Supporter
Yes. Many times, when we ask others if something is wrong like this, God has revealed the  answer to our heart already.  Always pray about questions we have like these, you would be surprised how often he answers.

August 22 2013 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

When I say the words, "Oh My God" I am not using God's name in vain. An example would be the following: When my first granddaughter was born I remember saying, "Oh my God, she is so beautiful, she looks just like her mommy. Thank you so much God for this wonderful gift!" I also have said, "Oh my God" in a different setting. When my cousin, at the age of 16, died due to an accident. I said, "Oh my God, dear God give our family strength to go through this terrible tragedy. In your name I pray. Donna

September 04 2014 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Doktor D W Supporter
Taking the Name of the Lord in vain means that the Jews were not authentically accepting the Law. They were warned not to "sort-of" acknowledge Him, but not really. Moses warns his audience not to pretend to acknowledge and worship God, That's why it is in the 10 Commandments for the Jews in that day. Read carefully the WHO WHERE WHEN WHAT before the Commandments are listed. We are not the "audience" today. The Commandments for Christians today are to "love the Lord our God and our neighbor." The Bible tells us that "love conquers all."

August 16 2013 1 response Vote Up Share Report

Mini Anonymous
The answer is clarified when the word for "take" (as in "take the Lord's Name in vain") is examined. The Hebrew word (transliterated) is "nasa" . . . a word that is translated as "lift up" three times more than "nasa" is translated "take." In the context of "lifting up" it is recognized that "lifting up God's Name" is to glorify Him for Who He is and what He does. To "lift up" any word for "God" in a haphazard manner or to simply use OMG to emphasize one's feelings about a situation in life is to demean God's holiness and perfection. 

Word studies and further examples of how those in the church "lift up the Lord's Name in vain" are provided in the article Taking God's Name in Vain at http://wordtruth.org/PDF/Taking%20Gods%20Name%20In%20Vain.pdf

August 21 2013 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mike 2012 Mike Lawyer Supporter
Yes. Saying Jeez and OMG are still taking the Lord's Name in vain. It is sin. Say, "Buddha" instead. He doesn't exist and it will make you laugh.

August 21 2013 1 response Vote Up Share Report

Mini Anonymous
It is a posture of heart, when we know about something or someone, and that thing or that person means a lot to us, that we'll try our best to never undermine or disrespect him/her. That person has value in our lives.

Now, here we're not talking about a human person or a thing. For those and only those of us who have believed in the Absolute Truth of The Word of God; We know that Our "GOD" and He is the ONLY true "GOD" for The Bible says So. God represents and covers all that we hold so high of VALUE in our lives and can ever imagine and think of. How could we have the smallest thought to ever use HIS HOLY, HOLY, HOLY, Name in vain?

Now The Word of "GOD" is Relevant, six thousand years ago, today, and for ever more "eternity". And no one, and nobody is or ever will be above it. To use the Name of our "GOD" who revealed Himself to each of us by faith in His Word doesn't have to be a point of fearful discussion, for we understand that We Love Him, for He Loved Us First. His Holy Spirit will see to it that we have The Reverent Fear Of God inside our lives. Therefore We the "audience" of today are (talking in the ever present) responsible to be acquainted with the revelation of "GOD'S" NAME and to Use it properly every day of our lives.

To bring Honor, Glory, Respect, Praise, Worship, Recognition, in the very presence of the heathen/lost the people without a Covenant through Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 
For at the end of everything, there those standing in front of "GOD'S" Throne. Will have to give an account of every idle/lazy/irrelevant/stupid/unworthy/in-congruent word that we have said.

Now, why do all those people who use the Name Of "GOD" in vain not use their own names or that any other religious person?:
A) For "Of the abundance of their hearth, their mouth speaks".
B) They're not Born Again.

So give your life to Jesus Christ genuinely... and you will never use the Name of Your "GOD" in vain again! 


August 21 2013 1 response Vote Up Share Report

Mini Anonymous
I have given this lots of thought and in my opinion if we use God's name in vain a lot, how will He know when we really need his help? Saying His name is the first sign we give of wanting him to listen to us, so if we say it all the time He won't know when we really need Him. I try not to use His name in vain at all unless I am requesting something from Him.

August 22 2013 1 response Vote Up Share Report

Mini Barbara Tilley Supporter
well I may be silly but I thought geez was short for gee whiz. And when I say OMG I say Oh My Gosh. Yes, I do think Oh My God is taking the Lord's name in vain. When I was young I would say God as an expression, but I learned and realized it was not respectful to God.

August 26 2013 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Ed Besselman Supporter
It's uncharacteristic for a Christian to want to buddy up to the world... wanting to get so close to sin but not cross over. 

In answer to the question... saying 'O M G' is the same as saying 'Oh my God'. "Geez' or 'Jeez" is a shortened form of Jesus (Who is God the Son).
Exodus 20:7 states... Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold them guiltless that taketh His name in vain.

It's the intent of the heart as well as the actual occurrence. It is a sin to use these 'minced oaths'.

February 28 2018 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Bush2 EL Mohel Castorena Supporter EL Mohel
In our Jewish thought, when we wright or refer any thing in writing to the word God, the word God is typed G_D or a variant close to this. I try to keep even the thought of my God Holy. If I use the word in prayer to him, I try and keep it separate from common, day to day language or quick expressions. But this is ME. To me anything spoken possesses an action or thought of expression. I use the title God with respect. 
Psalm 141:3 
God is a word. Will you elevate the word to mean something to your self? Or will you devalue the word to an every day "flipped" word void of any connotation, merely used because it of it's sound? 
Lets remember Gen 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. (The WORD WAS GOD)
בְּרֵאשִׁית בָּרָא אֱלֹהִים אֵת הַשָּׁמַיִם וְאֵת הָאָֽרֶץ׃

August 21 2013 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Anonymous
Althrough I'm not in the habit of saying "God Damn" I can think of a list of things that God needs to (and does) Damn... remember Gods not this Thing that wakes up every morning looking for someone to Zap.....

August 22 2013 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Threewhite horse2 Gregory Boldon Supporter Christian Military Veteran Warrior for God
When at the zenith of my running from God glorifying myself, I bought a post card. It's subject was Psalm 46:10. 

As I read it over and over, I struggled with the simple purity of that statement. I kept coming, every time I tried to justify my life and actions, to the same conclusion, who am I to question Almighty God Creator of the universe? 

"Be still and know that I am God...." Psalm 46:10 ESV

What more needs to be shared beyond S. Michael Houdmann's concise answer? All of the excuses being given for "why I think it is okay" are empty of meaning to God who created mankind and sent His Son to suffer and die in our stead for our sins.

"You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain." Exodus 20:7 ESV 

Minced oaths, unintended responses to something happening, excitement, pain, anger or any other outpouring of non-religious feelings are human excuses for offending God. OMG and the expression "Jesus Christ" (forgive me Lord for the aforementioned) seem to lead in how men and women of today's secular world express themselves anytime there seems to be a need for a response.

Two suggestions for exclamations are "Oh my!" or a religious "Praise the Lord!".

I wince and cringe when God's name is used in vain. I pray that all will come to understand that His name is not to be belittled or trifled with.

Here are scripture to help in understanding God's name and it's use: John 14:15, Psalm 86:12, Psalm 115:1 and 1 Peter 1:14-16 all ESV.

January 11 2021 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Laura Gains Supporter
My sense is that taking His name in vain also includes spreading false teaching and abuse of others. Such practices misrepresent God when done in His name or in context of a church or ministry.

November 11 2015 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

16957887623996908263104115284753 Wanda Jenkins Supporter
God has given us authority to use words through his word. He will also hold us accountable for our words when we use vain words. Death and life is in the power of our tongue. We must use our words wisely and not without thought. There must be a purpose when you used the authority God has given us. "oh my God" is used so much but there must be thought to calling him or using his name. Saying oh my God she is beautiful may be reverencing God. But oh my God because you are angry or frustrated with no purpose is vain. God deserves better than us calling on him or using his name in vain.

May 27 2016 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Data Steven Best Supporter Former mil intel analyst, chiropractor & Bible Teacher
The confusion over these things, in my view, goes back to the "ineffable name" doctrine. Moses transcribed God's name as YHWH, but after the Babylonian exile in the 6th century BC, the Jews stopped using the name Yahweh and replaced it with Elohim – a more common noun for God. This was found acceptable because it was seen as demonstrating the God of Israel's universal sovereignty, which was useful in converting Greeks and Romans from their pagan gods. There was also a popular argument that Yahweh was too holy a name to be spoken. By the 3rd century BC, "Adoni", which means "My Lord", was substituted for verbal use in the synagogue, and simply became "Lord" in the Septuagint (Grk version of the OT.)

I and many of my Christian friends, have said, "Oh, my God," when calling out to God, either in rejoicing or in a desperate plea for help, without so much as a hint of conviction by the Holy Spirit that this was wrong. That's because it is not. However, my spirit does cringe when I hear Christians say: "Oh my God," "my God", or "God" with no intention of respect toward our Creator. Such uses of the word certainly trivialize it, and multiple repetitions, even more so. Of this I have been convicted, and obviously this is wrong; but is this REALLY taking the NAME of the Lord in vain?

The commandment in question (Ex 20:7) specifically refers to "the name of God." According to OT Scripture that name is Yahweh or Jehovah, and through the NT it is “Jesus”, who is clearly revealed as our Lord and God (Mt 1:23; Is 9:6; II Pe 1:1; Col: 2:9; Jo 8:58; 9:35-38; 10:30-33; 20:28)). The name of God is not "Elohim" (God), which is plural and also translates in the Bible to be earthly rulers, judges, and even pagan gods. Moreover, it is most certainly not gosh, golly, sheesh, geez, or geewhiz. Thus, using those words cannot possibly be taking HIS name in vain, which is especially true when there is no intention of God in the meaning!

Here’s a newsflash: When people want to take His NAME in vain, they do! We hear "Jesus!" "Jesus Christ" and other variations of his holy name spoken on the streets nearly every single day, without one hint of respect or honor. Worse yet, it reverberates continuously through TV, radio and print as nothing more than a profane expression of anger. THAT is taking the name of the Lord in vain. All this other stuff, in my opinion, is just modern-day Phariseeism.

November 04 2016 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Data bob hunnicutt Supporter
Taking the Lord's name in vain does have something to do with "curse" words and disrespectfully using the word "god", or euphemisms for this word... know that fearing the Lord is about respect.... we may know we're not referring to the Lord God when we say OMG, but others don't... 

Going on, it might be more accurate to consider "swear" words in relation to taking our Lord's name in vain....

At one time, God told His people that when they made a vow, to make it in His name.... of course, people are liars and we are all witnesses to this... that is why Jesus later said not to make vows but, "let your yes be yes and your no be no.... "

March 08 2017 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Open uri20160825 6966 rhyaou John Matthews Supporter Retired Professional Singer, Conductor and Seeker
When someone says OMG, or "oh my god," I don't think they say it with Jehovah or Jesus in mind at all. It is an expression, and not a religious one at that. 

Saying "geez" is just the same. My parents said "geez Louise" all my life and never meant disrespect to Jesus. It's an explanation of surprise, awe and, at times, frustration. To condemn its use is to split hairs in a very petty way.

April 29 2017 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini West Miller Supporter
I have to look it up again I suppose (or anybody else can for that matter very easily these days with our beloved internet), but what I remember from Bible College in 1972 was that the word vain in ancient Hebrew meant "empty hands". The only point being that using God's name in vain was using it in any manner, whether slang, abbreviated, or whatever, was wrong because we were using God's name, or the word God, or Jesus, or Lord, etc, in an empty manner. And it is never to be used in an empty manner because there is nothing empty about it. 

There is a difference between being purposely derogatory towards God and just talking in today's vernacular. But still, whatever the case may be, I would say you need to seek the Lord on this and be 'filled' with Christ and not 'empty' in any manner, even in your own personal linguistics. God bless you all.

December 18 2018 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Gregory Tomlinson Supporter Minister, husband,father,grandfather,vet., college graduate
This is not about using His name as a by-word. It is about being called the children of God but living like the devil. "Thou shalt not be a hypocrite" would be a more correct interpretation.

"Thou shalt have no other gods or make an image to worship, thou shalt not be called by my name and be without the fruit." Children should behave like their Father instructed them. Do not be a hearer but a doer of His word. Live it, like you believe it.

OMG makes me cringe when I hear it and I think it's rude, Ill-mannered, disrespectful and crude, and even could be considered mocking, but not a violation of the 3rd commandment.

August 02 2019 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Kathy King Supporter
Exodus 20:7 KJVS
[7] Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.

I’m looking at the word “vain”. Strong’s: shâv - Strong's Definition
From the same as H7722 in the sense of desolating;
evil (as {destructive }) literally (ruin) or morally (especially guile); figuratively idolatry (as {false} subjectively)6
uselessness (as {deceptive} objectively; also adverbially in vain): - false ({-ly}) {lie} {lying} {vain} vanity. 

And: Brown-Driver-Briggs' Definition
emptiness, vanity, falsehood
emptiness, nothingness, vanity
emptiness of speech, lying
worthlessness (of conduct)

I don’t use those very often but I have before. I just can’t see these, geez or oh my gosh as substitutes for the name of God or that they are meant to demean, or defame our precious Lord. At least, I have never, ever meant them that way. 

When an unbeliever uses the name God in place of gosh, I think they are demeaning God because they don’t worship him, they have other gods. Those would be idols. We all have a God spot hole in our hearts whether we believe or not. John 1:9 KJVS says:
[9] That (Jesus) was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world. 

And even though he was in the world the world knew him not. I can see how having other gods would offend a holy Creator/God. But I’ve never thought of oh my gosh and geez as offensive to God. I’ve never even had the thought that geez was short for Jesus. Not sure where people get that one. 

Just my thoughts.

August 18 2019 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

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