How do we react to spiritual wildernesses in our lives?
Hi I have had 6 major wilderness experiences-all over a period of about 30 years.-being times that I was largely away from the Lord, and didn’t really want...
Hi I have had 6 major wilderness experiences-all over a period of about 30 years.-being times that I was largely away from the Lord, and didn’t really want...
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Have any aspects of end times prophecy been fulfilled?
One of the lessons I would like to add to this beautiful write up about MOSES is his intercessory ministry. Two occasions stand out vividly. 1. MOSES...
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What is animism?
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I am a Catholic. Why should I consider becoming a Christian?
Criterion: 25 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
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I am a Catholic. Why should I consider becoming a Christian?
As we allow the Holy Spirit to dwell within our temple; God’s divine wisdom becomes a significant part of who we are and how we think. Jesus Christ died for...
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What does the Bible say about work?
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Is there power in positive confession?
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What is the difference between the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Heaven?
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What were the Urim and Thummim?
Did God use the Big Bang to create? Science and the Bible respond with a resounding no. He used His Word. What resulted is often described as the big bang...
"Restorationism" refers to a group of unaffiliated 19th-century movements from within Christianity based upon the premise that the true faith and practice of...
In Scripture, an armor-bearer (also spelled armorbearer and armor bearer) was a servant who carried additional weapons for commanders. Abimelech (Judges...
the bible has very little good to say about unregenerate man and the most significant thing if that he will die twice if he remains unregenerated. Having...
The capacity for man to even think about God is so small that if it were measured how often we would do on our own self initiative it would be minicule for...
The God-inspired sequence of ordinal numbers in Genesis 1 ("first", "second"...etc.) is clearly meant to teach believers the following: i) the earth existed...
The increasing number of natural disasters and terrible storms have many people wondering, who controls the weather, God or Satan? An examination of...
The name "PHARISEE" means the "seperated Ones'. It may mean they seperated themselves from the masses of people or that they seperate themselves to the study...
Bathsheba has no other option but to concede David's action to live with her as his wife, because he was in the first place a king in Israel and a man whom...
I believe there are two types of generational curses. The second type is my focus here. When Joab killed Abner, David placed a curse on Joab and his...
I totally disagree with certain sex practices between a husband and wife. For example, anal and oral, for health reasons. You can do research as to why these...
Depending on how one distinguishes a different Bible version from a revision of an existing Bible version, there are as many as 50 different English versions...
The Inquisitions were judicial institutions or tribunals that were established by the Roman Catholic Church in order to seek out, try, and sentence people...
Inaugurated eschatology is a certain scheme of eschatology-the study of the latter days or the end times. Inaugurated eschatology basically says that the...
Theodicy is the branch of theology which defends God's goodness and justice in the face of the existence of evil. In the course of time, many have questioned...
The bible doesn't say what the mark looked like, however, according ancient Jewish rabbis the Mark of Cain looked like the TAU or TAV, or as we would...
There are many stories in the Bible that have remarkable similarities with stories from other religions, legends, and myths. For the purposes of this...
There are many reasons to study the Old Testament. For one, the Old Testament lays the foundation for the teachings and events found in the New Testament....
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What does it mean that God draws us to salvation?
Criterion: 5 people read an answer or article shared from eBible.
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Why should we study the Old Testament?
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Do we need to be aware of the spiritual battle that is taking place around us?
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 favorites.
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Did God use the Big Bang to create the universe?
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What does the Bible say about decision-making?
1. To do the will of God. John 5:30, Hebrews 10:7-14 2. To save sinners. Luke 19:10, 1 Timothy 1:15 3. To fulfill the law. Matthew 5:17-18, Romans 10:4 4. To...
Criterion: 5 people read an answer or article shared from eBible.
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Do we need to be aware of the spiritual battle that is taking place around us?
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What was Jesus' purpose?
Expansion: I am wanting to know how different generations respond to the many "wildernesses" in their lives. in other words, what would a gen X person ( 2...
We need to recognize that there is a difference between biblical symbols and literary language. Jesus made use of metaphors, idioms, and similes as well as...
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. (Genesis 1:1). We could really just stop there now, couldn't we? But our current society won't let...
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What does the Bible say about reading or writing fiction?
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.
We don't know if God used the Big Bang at the start of creation or if creation was the initial Big Bang. Scientist recognize that the universe is expanding....
Well, God is Spirit (Genesis 1:2) and the Words of God is Spirit (John 6:62-63), and the Word was God (John 1:1-5). "For God so loved the worlds that he gave...
First, I think we need to remember that as born again Christians we are to seek God's will for our lives and desperately pray for equipping to obey His will....
The clearest verse on God's drawing to salvation is John 6:44 where Jesus declares that "no one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him, and I...
The gospel tracks can be a good way to introduce the gospel to someone. However,there should be a contact on the track for the reader to use for follow up. A...
That premise is straight from Mormon theology. They believe that God was once a man on another planet and evolved to Godhood and that God had a wife and that...
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