What is the significance of the number five in the Bible?
GRACE! GRACE! GOD'S MARVELOUS GRACE! For an exhaustive study of numbers in the Bible check out: http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/number01.htm
GRACE! GRACE! GOD'S MARVELOUS GRACE! For an exhaustive study of numbers in the Bible check out: http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/number01.htm
Can a true Christian be carnal? In answering this question, let's first define the term "carnal." The word "carnal" is translated from the Greek word...
1 Corinthians 11:24
According to Merriam Webster dictionary a satrap was one who governed or ruled a province of ancient Persia.
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How do I support my son who just announced he's gay?
No, Jonah did not die. He prayed in the belly of the whale for three days. After three days the whale spit him out on dry land and he was near Nineveh. God...
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What is a carnal Christian?
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What is the origin of the Catholic Church?
A major factor in determining when Obadiah's prophecies against Edom were fulfilled rests on when the book was written. The prophet mentions a recent...
When do we use the word great. Who is a great? By such, we would be able to tell how greater Jesus is than anybody else who has ever lived. The word “great”...
The question is: Does Satan have the power to control the weather? I sincerely believe he has, just as all God's servant have. God is the ultimate Controller...
Could we consider this issue from another angle? I have not come across a biblical position that says God has not given the fallen angels including satan...
One thing I'd like to add besides the fact that I also believe the Big Bang was banged by God. All these _thousands of years since Genesis was written and...
Its all about the question of how to deal with sin in the life of said believer, so that he can then be confident to not only be a particular servant, but...
As a Biblical counselor for over 20 years, my thoughts about the possibility of transference of spirits has come from observance in listening to many people...
The idea of "transferring spirits" is that someone can transfer an evil spirit to another person by touching or being near him. Those who teach this concept...
Holy Saturday is the name given to the day between Good Friday and Easter Sunday. Some Christians recognize Holy Saturday, the seventh day of Holy Week, as...
Interesting question. Let's first look at what "holy" means - BDB Definition: apartness, sacredness, separateness. So a day that is "set apart" is, by that...
The Apostle Paul says that the wife is "bound" to her husband as long as he lives (Romans 7:2). The principle here is that either the husband or wife has to...
Judges 16:17 tells us "that he told her all his heart and said unto her, " There hath not come a razor upon mine head, for I have been a Nazirite unto God...
The book of Nahum ends with a rhetorical question regarding the reason for Nineveh's coming destruction: "Nothing can heal your wound; your injury is fatal....
Haggai's prophecy condemned the Jewish people for living in nice homes, asking, "Is it a time for you yourselves to dwell in your paneled houses, while this...
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What does the Bible say about second chances?
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Who were Priscilla and Aquila?
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What was the relationship between David and Jonathan?
The first settlers in Egypt migrated from the area of Shinar, near the Euphrates River, the location of the attempted construction of the Tower of Babel. The...
Sarcasm is the use of irony (saying one thing while meaning another) or other rhetorical devices in a biting, hurtful way. There is a difference between...
Easy-to-Read Version - HistoryThe Easy-to-Read Version of the Bible, published in 1989 by the World Bible Translation Center-founded in 1973 in Arlington,...
My favourite subject! In summary the story of Rahab was meant to demonstrate the gospel. How Jesus was going to come and die for us and anybody who accepts...
Time is a very interesting subject within the scope of the Scriptures. There is much said about the subject. I have some unique thoughts that I have never...
Hebrews 5:7 - 9
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How can I know if I am one of the elect?
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How do we react to spiritual wildernesses in our lives?
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Is Scientology Christian or a cult?
To best answer this question, it helps to know, among other things, that deep-seated family hostilities characterized Jacob's life. He was a determined man;...
Absolutly yes, not just for their children, but for the parents as well (Deuteronomy 6:5-9; Mathew 12:33). Mathew 18:1-10, clearly explains it for us.
Well, Man consist of spirit, soul and body (Deuteronomy 6:5; 1 Tessalonians 5:23). and Paul told us to live by the Spirit. (Galatians 5:16-26). Then, we...
The supremacy of Christ is a doctrine surrounding the authority of Jesus and His God-nature. In the simplest of terms, to affirm the supremacy of Christ is...
As Christians, we should be concerned about our effect on our environment. God appointed man to be the steward of this world (Genesis 1:28), not the...
Criterion: 25 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
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What is animism?
Jesus quoted directly Psalm 22. He knew that any Jews witnessing this would know exactly where to find those words and then read the entire Psalm, which is a...
Hi I have had 6 major wilderness experiences-all over a period of about 30 years.-being times that I was largely away from the Lord, and didn’t really want...
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Have any aspects of end times prophecy been fulfilled?
One of the lessons I would like to add to this beautiful write up about MOSES is his intercessory ministry. Two occasions stand out vividly. 1. MOSES...
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