What is ethical relativism?
The term "ethical relativism" encompasses a number of different beliefs, but they all agree that there are no universal, permanent criteria to determine what...
The term "ethical relativism" encompasses a number of different beliefs, but they all agree that there are no universal, permanent criteria to determine what...
Hundreds of millions of people are running toward social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter to participate in the relational components of the...
"But the subjects of the kingdom will be thrown outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”
Matthew 8:12
Pentecost Sunday is a commemoration and celebration of the receiving of the Holy Spirit by the early church. John the Baptist prophesied of the first...
Personally, when i read this story, it spoke more to the value of faith than Jesus calling her a dog. I believe because she was a Caananite, and not of the...
22 And a Canaanite woman from that region came out and began to cry out, saying, “Have mercy on me, Lord, Son of David; my daughter is cruelly demon-possesse...
Matthew 15:22 - 28
A prayer before eating serves several purposes: A prayer reminds us that food is not a sure thing, as God's people wandering in the desert found out. It also...
One of the reasons for the death sentence for so many sins is for us to see how God views sin. He takes it very seriously. One time is all it takes to be...
I tell you this, brothers: q flesh and blood r cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable. For this perishable body...
If so, does it mean that he will not save those he has not chosen even if they seek him?
Quite aside from all the arguments above, i would add two points: 1. Women have more to lose, or did before birth control, in being adulterous. Birthrights,...
Only someone that knows you and God's law extremely well can answer this question for you. In other words, probably only you can answer this question, and...
I don't believe that we are given any definitive answer to this, but scripture is full of clues. The primary clue is found in Exodus 18 where Moses set up...
When a question was raised concerning the dead, Jesus said there that there would be no relationship in heaven, rather that we all will be like angels.Angels...
A good Christian family is one that lines up with biblical principles and one in which each member understands and fulfills his or her God-given role. The...
The actual theology of Calvinism generally does not create a stumbling block for most people either in their evangelistic efforts, or in the ability for a...
Jesus, after teaching His disciples the Lords prayers in Lk 11: 1-4, also taught them what we call A.S.K which is A FOR ASK, S FOR SEEK AND K FOR KNOCK in Lk...
Well, God is Spirit (Gen.1:2); the Word was God (John 1: 1-5); the Word became flesh (John 1: 14) and the words Jesus has spoken in the Bible are spirit...
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If I am saved and all of my sins are forgiven, why not continue to sin?
The Edenic Covenant is the covenant that God made with Adam in the Garden of Eden. This covenant is also sometimes called the "Covenant of Works" and is the...
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If one agrees to be an organ donor, will one be whole in heaven?
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Can a person die before his appointed time to die?
At issue is not whether we should question God, but in what manner'and for what reason"we question Him. To question God is not in itself wrong. The prophet...
It seems that most of the answers so far are from an American cultural perspective. What may seem to be innocent fun for children on Halloween night is not...
Halloween has become a childs night to get candy. Never in my heart have I celebrated it but with fun. GOD judges our heart, not men. You can't lose your...
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Why is there so much pain, suffering, death and destruction in this world?
By your words you will be aquitted and by your words you shall be condemned.
Matthew 12:1 - 50
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Why does KJV use 'Jesus' instead of 'Joshua' in Acts 7:45 and Hebrews 4:8?
Thank you John---How precious your comment. "With my wife's cooking--we pray after the meals. I don't brush my teeth afterwards, I count them!" (Dangerfield)...
...Each group of fifty represents about one percent of the crowd. With the limitations of humanity, it was easier for the apostles to deal with an...
Absolutely Yes! We were created as both physical and spiritual beings. After Christ returns and the final judgment is completed, those of us who will spend...
Conflicts may arise when a Christian share the Bible with an anti-Christian. Not everyone is interested to hear about Jesus and the Good News. The best...
Among the ranks of evolution scientists are those who teach the idea of "evolutionary psychology," an attempt to explain all of life through the Darwinian...
Fundamentally, all disease is a judgment from God. Adam and Eve did not know corruption of any kind before the Fall. When God pronounced judgment on Adam,...
In Romans 12:1, Paul says, "I beseech you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God to present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, pleasing to God, which...
Human beings are categorized as a living creatures; everything that has the breath of life in it (Gen. 1: 30; 2: 7). As believers and followers of Jesus, all...
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Why is sound doctrine so important?
Yes, one WILL be whole in Heaven. Think about the people who have suffered horrific things {Such as 9/11}. Every one will have their bodies put back together...
The Great Schism is the title given to the rift that formed in the Church in the eleventh century A.D. This separation led to the "Roman Catholic" Church,...
I am sure God would feel angry, if not sad. As a parent, I would feel very much the same way if I see my children sinning.
A layman (or layperson) is a non-ordained member of a church. Laity, which means "common people", is from the Greek "laikos", which means "of the people". In...
First, we should define Sharia Law. Sharia is, as expressed in the Qur'an and the Sunnah, divine law. The Sunnah is a record of the life and example of the...
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Do Christians have to obey the Old Testament law?
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Why did blood and water come out of Jesus' side when He was pierced?
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What does it mean that there is no condemnation in Christ?
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