Was Lucifer perfect when God created Him?
According to Ezekiel 28:14-15, Lucifer (the annointed cherub who covers) was perfect in all his ways until iniquity was found in him.
According to Ezekiel 28:14-15, Lucifer (the annointed cherub who covers) was perfect in all his ways until iniquity was found in him.
I believe that Jesus knew the culture, and what the people did in their lives daily. One of the sayings of the day was an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a...
A preacher without holy spirit anointing can only teach like a school teacher whether or not the message is reaching students. When there is a call of the...
The KJV "thou shall not kill." I also believe this has meanings such as do not murder. I read (but can't find reference today) that perhaps the full meaning...
I for one am deeply grateful for this platform on which we are privileged to vent our convictions and positions - even if they disagree with the premises of...
Its not more important. Faith in the existence of God is nothing compared to faith in the Word of God. Believing in what God says. That God means what He...
The Purpose of These Miracles Miracles served the purpose of revealing the truth. "But the Helper [one who stands by the side of], the Holy Spirit, whom the...
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Why is faith in the existence of God so much more important than knowledge of the existence of God?
For where was the difference between what had been said and what Jesus was saying? Where is the uniqueness between the two scenarios?
Matthew 5:38 - 39
Religious Science started in 1927 when a man named Ernest Holmes was encouraged to organize a group to formally study his teachings on metaphysical...
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Did God die? If Jesus was God, and Jesus died on the cross, does that mean God died?
Faith is not believing in the existence of God. Many people believe in the existence of God but don't have saving faith. Faith is believing what God says to...
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What does the Bible say about gay marriage / same sex marriage?
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Why is faith in the existence of God so much more important than knowledge of the existence of God?
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Why did Leah have to hire Jacob to sleep with him since they were husband and wife?
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Why are there so many fake Christians?
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Can a Christian keep sinning?
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Does the Bible give any one individual spiritual authority over another individual?
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Why is 'You shall not murder' in the Ten Commandments?
Calvinism is a problem if one preaches Calvinism, and not Christ. Some Calvinists seem to worship past preachers rather that the Christ. We are to spread the...
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Is being a sperm donor a sin? Is it a sin to use a sperm donor?
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Is being a sperm donor a sin? Is it a sin to use a sperm donor?
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Does the Bible promote or prohibit praying to angels?
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Is being drunk in the Spirit a biblical experience?
In Bible times some women had a choice about whom they married while others did not. That God wants women to have a choice as to whom they marry is obvious...
Daniel 12:2 summarizes the two very different fates facing mankind: "Many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life,...
No, because fasting even though it's great and important I believe Jesus rather have people who remember the love he showed on the cross. So, when we take...
In verse 15 of Matthew 24 The Lord refers to Daniel's prophecy as stated in Daniel 12:11 "And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and...
He was speaking of the Tribulation period when the persecution of those coming to Christ after the Rapture of the church will be so intense, no one would...
Agnosticism is the belief that with our limited knowledge of the universe, we cannot know whether God does or doesn't exist. That is, even if a being stood...
Naaman must have attached significance to the land where the prophet dwelt after experiencing the miraculous in river Jordan. Coming from a pagan background,...
In regards to how a christian man should treat a woman: As a christian, I try to respect all women, but I have felt there have always been two classes; those...
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What is the Christian view of psychics?
Yes, I think James means exactly what he says. When we are aware of a deficiency in our lives we have to ask God for whatever it is we need.. For example...
The difference between knowledge and faith in the existence of God is that simply knowing that God exists and not acting on it, is the same as rejecting God....
This depends on what someone is fasting from. You can fast from many things. The purpose for a fast is not to get God to do something, like Gandhi fasted to...
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Why did God send the Israelites to Egypt for 400 years?
It indicates several things: First that he is the Messiah as described in Psalm 22. Next that events were proceeding as predicted, that the worst part of...
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Why should I (a Muslim) consider becoming a Christian?
Knowledge (by itself) is only intellectual, that is, it presents a fact to be considered. Whereas true biblical faith is experiential. Contrary to worldly...
Not to treat the subject too lightly, let me say that a professing Christian is not necessarily the same as a confessing Christian. We are not deemed to...
In this passage the Lord said that "Those days will be shortened for the sake of the elect," but what are the days was He talking about?
Matthew 24:22
If God is dead, then so are we. God is sovereign and in complete control of every atom, molecule, heart-beat and life. If God is dead, then the entire...
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What is secular humanism?
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What does it mean that Jesus is the Alpha and the Omega?
Jesus Christ's blood is sufficient to atone for your sins. You can believe on Him and have his righteousness credited to your account.
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