Does the New Testament mention Roman Catholicism?
Many past and present Protestant scholars, like Luther, Spurgeon, Wesley, Calvin, Knox, or Moody, have identified the Roman Catholic Church (RCC) as the...
Many past and present Protestant scholars, like Luther, Spurgeon, Wesley, Calvin, Knox, or Moody, have identified the Roman Catholic Church (RCC) as the...
The verse cited in the question was spoken by the angel Gabriel at the time that he informed the Jewish priest Zacharias that Zacharias and his wife...
Your Question: "Why does Jesus seem so mean to the Canaanite woman in Matthew 15:22-28? She needed his help and he referred to her as a dog." Matthew 10...
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Is it wrong to want to be famous?
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What is the origin of baptism?
In the same story in Mathew 15:28, I see how the woman knew exactly what Jesus was doing with the refusal and the statements he responded with, and she...
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What is the valley of decision?
The old testament deals with a very different culture than the one we live in so in my opinion this must be considered in this question. Also, Proverbs deals...
Even my opinion about this verse might cause outrage in today's world because the culture that we live in is so drastically different than the one we are...
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Should the title of 'reverend' be given to a church leader?
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How can I stay optimistic and faithful to God while I'm waiting for His help in a difficult season?
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 25 votes.
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What is the key to effective prayer?
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Should I believe in organized religion?
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What does it mean to sow the wind and reap the whirlwind?
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Is Hosea 11:1 a Messianic prophecy?
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How are people destroyed from a lack of knowledge?
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Why did God command the extermination of the Canaanites, women and children included?
The Ten Commandments were given to us as a guide of how we can live a holy life pleasing to God. We all know that when we love someone (a parent, child or...
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How do Christians make their "calling and election" certain? (2 Peter 1:10)
Where discrepancies like this exist in the Bible, it helps us to keep in mind that the Bible consists of several accounts that were described by more than...
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What is Free Masonry and what do Free Masons believe?
To understand the term 'the rest of the dead' in Revelation 20:4, it needs to be put into context with the previous and the following verses. In Revelation...
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Did Jesus follow all the laws of the Old Testament?
The meaning of the New Testament Greek word most often translated "worship" (proskuneo) is "to fall down before" or "bow down before." Worship is a state (an...
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Does 1 Peter 3:21 teach that baptism is necessary for salvation?
A "believer" is a child of God, born again by faith in Jesus Christ (see Acts 2:44); and an "unbeliever" is someone who does not believe in Jesus. In the New...
Miscarriages are sometimes allowed by God for His own purposes. There is an important distinction to be made between a naturally occurring miscarriage (or an...
A levirate marriage is literally a "marriage with a brother-in-law." The word levirate, which has nothing to do with the tribe of Levi, comes from the Latin...
The Bible does not use the phrase "world missions," but God is certainly missions-minded (Luke 19:10), and His love extends to all the world (John 3:16). The...
Nostalgia is an acute sentimental longing for the past, either one's own past or a past time in history. Usually, the feeling of nostalgia is accompanied by...
"Cowboy Church" is simply an approach to church with an emphasis on cowboy culture. Cowboy churches desire to reach those in the cowboy community (often...
John Mark, often just called Mark, is the author of the gospel of Mark. He was a believer in the early church mentioned directly only the book of Acts. John...
Eve in the Bible was the wife of Adam, the first man that God created. Eve was the mother of Cain and Abel and Seth and "other sons and daughters" (Genesis...
A libertine is a person who rejects moral boundaries and lives "at liberty" from constraint. The result is that the libertine usually lives a profligate,...
We've all heard the claim: "Christians are just as likely to divorce as non-Christians." This statement is often attributed to a 2008 study by the Barna...
Kemet (or KMT) is the native name of ancient Egypt, and Kemetic spirituality or Kemetism is a neo-pagan religious movement that seeks to restore ancient...
Ietsism (literally "something-ism") is the belief that there is "something" that exists beyond the material realm, but that "something" remains undefined and...
The word Gypsy refers to a member of an ethnic group called the Romani, or Romany. The Romani are descendants of people from northern India, originating...
The Bible doesn't directly address the topic of terrorism, at least not the type of terrorism we think of in the modern world. True "terrorism" is an attempt...
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What is the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit?
To me, the whole matter is not up for debate. I have read EVERY answer in this post, both for and against and have not seen THE answer to THE question. I've...
Jesus said that a terrible time of trouble would come upon the world just before His return and that it would be more intense than any other in the history...
This question is one that for many years has had its roots in an unintentional divisive effect by many Bible theologians from what I have read on this...
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