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Is there an afterlife?
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Is there an afterlife?
The word "sect" is generally used to refer to the various divisions of religious denominations of a particular faith without any special distinction as to...
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Is the Church of God in Christ (COGIC) a good, biblical church?
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Is the distinction between clergy and laity biblical?
While many Christians choose to commemorate Christ's birthday on Dec 25th, or especially treat Christmas day as a time to remember and celebrate Christ's...
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How should a Christian respond to unanswered prayer?
Simon of Cyrene is mentioned in three of the four Gospels as the man impelled by the Roman soldiers to carry Jesus' cross out of Jerusalem. His place of...
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When is the Rapture going to occur in relation to the Tribulation?
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What commandments are Jesus referring to in John 14:15?
Is a holy kiss on the lips or cheek? Was this a cultural custom, or something Christians should do today? How does this apply to us?
Romans 16:16
I One of the Hidden name of God is vengeance God of Vengeance Deut 32:19 Do not avenge yourselves, dear friends, but give place to God’s wrath, for it is...
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What is historical theology?
God does not allow evil. The definition of allow is to 'give permission for or legally permit'; 'to grant something to a person as a right'; 'to permit via...
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Is there a purpose for women beyond being the helpmate of man?
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What does the Bible say about gay marriage / same sex marriage?
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What is the Via Dolorosa?
As Gods Children, we sow the word of God and expect answers...harvest....but if we are disobedient, our seed goes to waste. The evil one is permitted to...
Naturally, cutting the flesh releases blood. And Blood represents life. The Lord is the final sacrifice...any who sheds blood in any fashion just to please...
The Bible says that we should love God with all of our might, strength etc. The best of our Spiritual energies....this is our firstborn
When we read the Bible... We must realize that the secret things belong to God, but it is an honour to us to discover these secret. The Bible says that we...
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What does the Bible say about Bipolar Disorder / Manic Depression?
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Can a Christian be demon possessed? Can a Christian be demonized?
This question requires a bit of "Come let us reason together..". Before the Christ Child appeared on Earth, the 4000 years that it took for the Performance...
What joy we experience when we lead someone to Christ because we have been used by God. Yes, we don't do the work, the Holy Spirit does, but as those who...
The use of and possession of weapons, particularly firearms, is a hot topic, especially on the heel of recent US mass shootings. The Bible talks a lot about...
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Is there meaning in tragedy?
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Is baptism necessary for salvation?
Mary was undoubtedly extraordinarily favored by God, and is fully deserving of honor and respect from all Christians for being the one woman chosen from all...
Would she be considered a bad wife? What does the Bible say about women who can't or don't conceive?
No one knows the time when Our Lord Jesus Christ returns here on earth at the "Seventh Trump," and no sooner. It is written "In The Twinkling Of An Eye" so...
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Who are the Nicolaitans?
I believe the answer is in the question. "What is your motivation?" Faith is the engine. Works is the get up and go. There is a difference between...
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How should a Christian respond to unanswered prayer?
Criterion: 25 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
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What does it mean that love never fails?
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What is lust? What does the Bible have to say about lust?
Hebrews 13:2 says, "Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares." To me, the Biblical reference that...
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Does Rom 9 mean God predestined some to heaven while created others with no chance of escaping hell?
There is no question that the Bible speaks to predestination. The question is, to what degree, i.e. does it go so far as to say that God made one perfectly...
The universal flood abounds in every culture by way of legend or otherwise. This is because the present generation of humanity has come out of Noah's family...
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Why does God allow evil?
The answer is found in Gen 2:7 - "And the Eternal God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became...
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Why is it important to study eschatology?
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Is Jesus a myth? Is Jesus just a copy of the pagan gods of other ancient religions?
Speaking from the standpoint of information specifically found in the Bible, the only indication of which I am aware as to who either of Mary's parents might...
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