Criterion: 5 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
See Answer:
Why was God going to kill Moses in Exodus 4:24-26?
Criterion: 5 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
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Why was God going to kill Moses in Exodus 4:24-26?
Criterion: 5 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
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Where does the Old Testament predict the coming of Christ?
Criterion: 5 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
See Answer:
How can I understand the Book of Revelation?
Criterion: 25 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
See Question:
Who will go to heaven?
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 favorites.
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Who is the antichrist?
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.
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What is the significance of the words (Aleph, Beth, Gimel etc) listed in Psalm 119?
Criterion: 25 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
See Answer:
What does Matthew 6:3 mean by "don't let the left hand know what your right hand is doing"?
Criterion: 5 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
See Answer:
What does Matthew 6:3 mean by "don't let the left hand know what your right hand is doing"?
Criterion: 25 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
I would just assume that this was his method of trying to evangelize people in general. While he might be showing commendable missionary zeal, I would think...
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.
See Answer:
Are the writings of the Apostle Paul inspired?
It has already been pointed out that the fifth commandment: "Honour your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is...
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.
See Answer:
What is the key to truly knowing God?
I have been around some good prophets and many false ones for decades. The ones who were really hearing and seeing became outcasts from the divided...
In this verse, John is pointing out that all humans, in their "natural" (that is, sinful), unsaved condition are in a state of enmity toward God, and are...
Criterion: 5 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
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Do we have guardian angels?
Criterion: 25 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
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What does it mean that a woman should not teach or take authority over a man?
The question is basically "Is God directed creation scientifically plausible?" Lets review the data. 1. People age and eventually die because they accrue...
The "eternal fire" of hell is one hot topic! It has been misunderstood by the majority of people for many centuries. Here are examples and scripture to show...
The "eternal fire" of hell is one hot topic! It has been misunderstood by the majority of people for many centuries. Here are examples and scripture to show...
The "eternal fire" of hell is one hot topic! It has been misunderstood by the majority of people for many centuries. Here are examples and scripture to show...
I know God does have a plan for all of us. I was moved that a complete stranger would walk up to me and tell me he was compelled to give me a message. He sai...
Criterion: 5 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
See Question:
Is creationism scientific?
Well, my husband cheated on me. Husband of 20 years. I had a hunch, but no proof. THEN I got proof. Apparently one ended in an abortion. Too much for me....
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.
See Answer:
What is the Gap Theory? Did anything happen between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2?
When I read Luke 18:1-8 The Parable of the Persistent Widow, it gives me hope for my consistent prayers to God. I know as someone who suffers from chronic...
Criterion: 5 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
See Answer:
What is the prayer of salvation?
I think that attitude plays a part in this situation. Jesus made clear that God knows what we need before we ask Him (Matthew 6:8). However, I would say that...
Criterion: 5 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
See Question:
What is the true gospel?
Aside from the question of faith, Jesus made clear in other verses (such as Matthew 6:7-8) that God knows everything we need before we ask him, and He...
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.
See Answer:
How should a Christian respond to illegal aliens/illegal immigrants?
Genesis 1:20-25 refers to God making fully-formed living animals (such as great sea creatures, and birds capable of flying and feeding themselves), and not...
First, we should try to understand whom Jesus was addressing those words in John 14:1-4 to. The Bible record shows that Jesus had many disciples, but we are...
My answer is that it is best that you don't 'exhort' such a person! God tells us to be wary of deceiving spirits and be resistant to the agents or minions of...
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.
I have been reading the Genesis of the Bible for two years and it is a very beautiful book (I underlined the parts of the Genesis which I liked with a green ...
Who better to look to for an answer to 'how to handle infidelity' than to look at the way women of the Bible dealt with it. This question is different for...
In order to adequately attend to this question, it is important to comprehensively first define what sin is. Can it be limited to a list somewhere in the...
It's confusing to know how to pray. Luke 11:8 seems to say we should keep praying until we receive an answer, but then I've heard we should not doubt and sim...
Luke 11:8
I view Jesus as saying in John 14:3 that He was going (through His imminent death, resurrection, and ascension) for the purpose of preparing the many rooms...
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.
See Answer:
Is paradise a different place than heaven?
I would say that God, being omniscient, and also being outside of space and time, knows everything about each of us (including the sound of our individual...
I would say that the questions mentioned in the passage cited in the question were more rhetorical than inquisitive in nature. That is, the evil spiritual...
Criterion: 5 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
See Answer:
Was Judas Iscariot forgiven / saved?
The question is "What is the Gap Theory? Did anything happen between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2?” Michael has clearly identified the theory. A Theory is what a...
Aside from Genesis 1:26-27 and Genesis 5:1, two verses that come to mind are 1 Corinthians 11:7 ("For a man ought not to cover his head, since he is the...
"Jesus of Nazareth! What do you want with us? Did you come to destroy us? I know who you are -- God's Holy One!"
Luke 4:34
Mary and Martha were sisters of Lazarus. Martha was remembered for her impatience and excessive concern for mundane matters, whereas Mary is remembered for...
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