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  1. Should a believer choose to give the gospel to a non-believer who is most likely to reject Jesus?
  2. What does the scripture mean in (KJV) Matthew 5:22 where it says whoever is angry without a cause
  3. What did Jesus say about the 2 foundations?
  4. Were the animal sacrifices at the tabernacle done twice daily, or continuously throughout the day (24/7)?

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Question by Anonymous

What does "blood" symbolize in the Bible?

1 Vote April 20 2020 3 Answers Follow Vote Up

Question by Pete Bueckert

Was Jesus immersed at his baptism?

Mark 1:9 - 10

April 20 2020 1 Answer Follow Vote Up

Question by Jack Gutknecht , ABC/DTS graduate, guitar music ministry Baptist church

How do Christians know that the Word of God has power?

I know Hebrews 4:12 says that the Word of God is powerful, but are there more verses vouching for it? If so, what does/did it have the power to do?

April 20 2020 3 Answers Follow Vote Up

Question by Jack Gutknecht , ABC/DTS graduate, guitar music ministry Baptist church

What does this prophecy in Daniel 9:24-27 mean?

Daniel 9:24-27 24"Seventy 'sevens' are decreed for your people and your holy city to finish transgression, to put an end to sin, to atone for wickedness, to ...

Daniel 9:24 - 27

April 16 2020 Follow Vote Up

Question by Teresa Patton

Is the coronavirus-Covid-19 demonized?

2 Votes April 11 2020 2 Answers Follow Vote Up

Question by Anonymous

How is millennialsim different from tribulations?

I need help in understanding the two words, millennialism and tribulation. Are they one and the same or do they involve different scripture?

1 Vote April 10 2020 2 Answers Follow Vote Up

Question by Anonymous

How does faith work when applied to hopeless situations?

Hebrews 11:1 - 3

1 Vote April 07 2020 3 Answers Follow Vote Up

Question by Jack Gutknecht , ABC/DTS graduate, guitar music ministry Baptist church

Why did God let Abraham in on his plans (Genesis 18:17–19)?

17 And the Lord said, Shall I hide from Abraham that thing which I do; 18 Seeing that Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty nation, and all the n...

Genesis 18:17 - 19

1 Vote April 07 2020 1 Answer Follow Vote Up

Question by Anonymous

Should people submit to abuse (Genesis 16:9)

Did Hagar deserve the treatment she received? (Gn 16:6–9) 6 “Your slave is in your hands,” Abram said. “Do with her whatever you think best.” Then Sarai m...

Genesis 16:6 - 9

April 05 2020 1 Answer Follow Vote Up

Question by Chett Lev

What is meant by solitary? (Psalm 68:6 NKJV)

Psalms 68:6

1 Vote April 04 2020 1 Answer Follow Vote Up

Question by Anonymous

What is "an arrow prayer"?

1 Vote April 04 2020 2 Answers Follow Vote Up

Question by Anonymous

What is the humanity of Christ?

How can we know that Jesus was truly human? John 1:1-14 may give us the general idea, but are there specifics?

John 1:1 - 14

April 04 2020 2 Answers Follow Vote Up

Question by Adeola Oladipo

Why don't some pastors/ men of God work?

As stated in the scripture, Paul worked. So how come some ministers are full time pastors and do not work?

Acts 18:1

April 03 2020 1 Answer Follow Vote Up

Question by Jack Gutknecht , ABC/DTS graduate, guitar music ministry Baptist church

Do godly people never starve? (Psalm 33:18–19)

18 Behold, the eye of the Lord is upon them that fear him, upon them that hope in his mercy; 19 To deliver their soul from death, and to keep them alive i...

April 03 2020 1 Answer Follow Vote Up

Question by Jack Gutknecht , ABC/DTS graduate, guitar music ministry Baptist church

How does it help to be humble? (Psalm 25:9)

Context: 8 Good and upright is the Lord; therefore he instructs sinners in his ways. 9 He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them h...

Psalms 25:9

April 02 2020 1 Answer Follow Vote Up

Question by Gregory Boldon , Christian Military Veteran Warrior for God

How do I start and stay consistent with daily devotions?

I start with daily devotions and am consistent for awhile but eventually have "something to do" and tell myself "I'll do the devotion later" but don't.

2 Votes April 01 2020 3 Answers Follow Vote Up

Question by Charles Crabtree

Is there an angel for every nation?

The dead sea scrolls and the Greek text are different than the masoretic text.

April 01 2020 1 Answer Follow Vote Up

Question by Jack Gutknecht , ABC/DTS graduate, guitar music ministry Baptist church

Does this proverb mean that instant gratification is good for us? (Proverbs 13:12)

Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life. (NIV)

Proverbs 13:12

March 30 2020 1 Answer Follow Vote Up

Question by Jack Gutknecht , ABC/DTS graduate, guitar music ministry Baptist church

How are people sealed? (Ephesians 1:13)

13 And you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation. When you believed, you were marked in him with a s...

March 29 2020 4 Answers Follow Vote Up

Question by Anonymous

What is meant by, "By their fruit you shall know them"?

Matthew 7:16

2 Votes March 29 2020 1 Answer Follow Vote Up

Question by Suzy Chatterton

Do I need to get baptized as an adult if I was baptized as a child?

I followed my religion and always felt a closeness to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Do I need to get rebaptized as an adult?

Matthew 3:13

March 28 2020 1 Answer Follow Vote Up

Question by Anonymous

How can my husband think he is forgiven and will enter the kingdom of God when he has been unfaithful and a porn addict off and on for 20 years?

He still sings in church, but his private life is full of sin. Will he be forgiven and enter God's kingdom?

John 3:5

March 27 2020 5 Answers Follow Vote Up

Question by Jack Gutknecht , ABC/DTS graduate, guitar music ministry Baptist church

What does the Bible say about the future resurrections?

What does it say about the resurrection of the just (Luke 14:14; John 5:28-29)? And what does it say about the resurrection of the unjust (Rev. 20:11-15)?

March 26 2020 1 Answer Follow Vote Up

Question by Jack Gutknecht , ABC/DTS graduate, guitar music ministry Baptist church

Does Job 7:9 contradict the Bible’s teaching about resurrection? I.e. had Job given up hope? (7:8–10)

The Scriptures teach that all people will be raised corporally from the tomb (cf. Dan. 12:2; 1 Cor. 15:22; Rev. 20:4–6). In fact, Jesus said that one day “a...

Job 7:9

March 25 2020 2 Answers Follow Vote Up

Question by Anonymous

Why was John the Baptist in jail and for how long?

Matthew 11:2

1 Vote March 23 2020 2 Answers Follow Vote Up

Question by Jack Gutknecht , ABC/DTS graduate, guitar music ministry Baptist church

How could they fall from a "secure position" (2 Peter 3:17 NIV)?

2 Peter 3:17 "Therefore, dear friends, since you have been forewarned, be on your guard so that you may not be carried away by the error of the lawless and f...

March 22 2020 2 Answers Follow Vote Up

Question by Jack Gutknecht , ABC/DTS graduate, guitar music ministry Baptist church

What is the offense of the cross in Galatians 5:11?

11 "And I, brethren, if I still preach circumcision, l why do I still suffer persecution? Then is the offense of the cross has ceased."

Galatians 5:11

March 22 2020 2 Answers Follow Vote Up

Question by cindy simons

Who wrote 1st and 2nd Chronicles?

1 Chronicles 1:1 - 54

March 21 2020 1 Answer Follow Vote Up

Question by Jack Gutknecht , ABC/DTS graduate, guitar music ministry Baptist church

What’s the prognosis for a heart "beyond cure" (Jeremiah 17:9)?

9 The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it? (NIV)

March 21 2020 2 Answers Follow Vote Up

Question by Jack Gutknecht , ABC/DTS graduate, guitar music ministry Baptist church

What was a "triumphal procession"? (2 Corinthians 2:14)

14 "But thanks be to God, who always leads us as captives in Christ’s triumphal procession and uses us to spread the aroma of the knowledge of him everywhere...

1 Vote March 19 2020 2 Answers Follow Vote Up

Question by Jack Gutknecht , ABC/DTS graduate, guitar music ministry Baptist church

What does it mean to "overcome" the world in 1 John 5:4?

NKJV © For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world––our faith.

1 John 5:4

March 18 2020 1 Answer Follow Vote Up