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  1. How can we tell when we hear God's voice (Psalm 95:7)?
  2. Is it right for a Christian nation to strong arm another country to carry its Christian values?
  3. In what ways does this truth of God's great mercy and the 'new birth into a living hope' influence your daily life, especially in the face of challenges? 1 Peter 1:3
  4. How can we soldier up (Ephesians 6:10-18)?
  5. What is the significance of the imagery of "sheep" and "laid upon" or "attack" him in Isaiah 53:6?
  6. Why has Christianity portrayed Jesus as White?
  7. Can you suggest a Bible verse for someone who has been wronged and is struggling with feelings of revenge?
  8. How do you personally understand the meaning of 'living hope?'
  9. What d I es it mean Paul had a throne in his flesh . And why it was given to him by Satan?
  10. If a married Christian couple becomes divorced and do not remarry, are they biblically or in God’s eyes, still married?

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Answer by Colin Wong , Founder,

Was this prophesied in the old testament, the anointing of the oil on Jesus?

The old testament does not appear to reference this specific event with regards to Jesus or the Messiah. However, the Hebrew word "Messiah" and the Greek...

April 30 2013 Follow Vote Up

Question by Anonymous

Was this prophesied in the old testament, the anointing of the oil on Jesus?

Like the referring of a lamb lead to slaughter in Isaiah. This referring to Jesus

Matthew 26:6 - 13

2 Votes April 30 2013 Follow Vote Up

Answer by Chuck Smith jr , Soul-shaper

What is the significance of Stephen's answer to the Sanhedrin prior to being martyred?

What is interesting about Stephen's speech is that he did not present it as an argument in his defense, but as an accusation against the council that was...

April 30 2013 Follow Vote Up

Question by Colin Wong , Founder,

What is the significance of Stephen's answer to the Sanhedrin prior to being martyred?

The accusation against Stephen was that "Jesus will destroy this place and will change the customs that Moses delivered to us." Stephen then gave a long spee...

Acts 7:1 - 53

1 Vote April 30 2013 Follow Vote Up