Who created God? Where did God come from?
God has always been. He is the most powerful being and He was probably not created by anything, since He created all things.
God has always been. He is the most powerful being and He was probably not created by anything, since He created all things.
Some people have found that using Bible verses in their prayers is an effective way to pray. "Praying Scripture back to God" seems to help to focus the mind...
I'm of the opinion it had somerhing to do with the eyes. Gal 4:13-15
We have full access to the grace that God has provided for us to walk away from sin and to live a life that pleases Him at the moment we are saved. However,...
First of all, no matter what view one takes on the issue of divorce, it is important to remember Malachi 2:16: "I hate divorce, says the LORD God of Israel."...
Mormons say they believe in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. However, Mormon doctrine denies the Trinity, teaching that the Father, Son, and Spirit...
In his letter to the Romans, Paul wrote about a struggle he himself experienced—a conflict between his flesh and his mind. (Read Romans 7:21-23.) Paul was...
It's helpful to understand the context in which a passage appears. John 3:16 is not necessarily a passage about God's love for the individual. It's really an...
Dear friend, many Christians struggle with this. so you are not alone. Here are a few help points try to be around Godly people. If possible try to get...
Paul speaks of a "thorn in the flesh" in 2 Corinthians 12:7. He calls it "a messenger of Satan" that had a purpose of "torment." Many explanations have been...
The verse St John 3:16 must be taken as written: God does love you as a person and as an individual; but when it comes to the world, He does not love it...
The existence of God cannot be proved or disproved. The Bible says that we must accept by faith the fact that God exists: "And without faith it is impossible...
My opinion is that God created us because one of His numerous attributes is that of Creator. The Bible refers to Him as such in several passages, such as...
What is the meaning of life? How can purpose, fulfillment, and satisfaction in life be found? How can something of lasting significance be achieved? So many...
God SO LOVED every single human being. Jesus paid for all the sin of every person when He willingly went to the cross. He judged sin completely at this time....
I think this question strikes at the very character of God. Does God really burn humans for eternity? We think it in-humane to torture someone for a wrong...
By raining down fire and brimstone upon the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, God not only demonstrated how He felt about overt sin, but He also launched an...
To me it is quite interesting that the only person who speaks descriptively of hell is the Lord Jesus. John in Revelation mentions the lake of fire. I am...
The recent discovery and translation of the fourth-century "Jesus' wife papyrus" has reopened the discussion as to whether Jesus had a wife / was married....
Yes, all people inherited sin from Adam and Eve, specifically from Adam. Sin is described in the Bible as transgression of the law of God (1 John 3:4) and...
Sin isn't passed on from any woman, not possible. Sin is passed on from men, we pass it on through our seed to the woman. Through ONE MAN death entered and...
God is omnipresent, so of course his presence is in hell as well. But remember, he didn't put himself there to help you. If you wind up in hell, you have...
We think of the lake of fire, mentioned four times in Revelation and outer darkness, mentioned three times in Matthew, Matthew also tells us in 25:41 Satan...
I've often spoken with atheists about this very question, and many times I've heard them suggest that God must be some narcissistic being to create us,...
You can believe what your youth leader said, absolutely. John 3:16 is such a popular verse because it is a verse that is free of ambiguity. it is very...
Know in this verse it says (God so loved the world) so we know that but what is this verse says John:17:9 I don't pray for the world If you love one you pray...
'God so love the world that HE gave HIS only son to save them'. This verse tells people that God loves us, God is righteous, God is wisdom who provides the...
I feel that the verse is saying, If you you believe in me...I shall live in you forever!!!
I believe it is not correct to over think a verse, storing faith alone like that if a child is your guide, children just believe.
One needs only to search the internet today to determine that there is great controversy and disagreement over the question of whether Jesus of Nazareth was...
God is a masterplanner he has written a script that must come to pass and we humans are executioner to execute this plans even our argument is part of the...
Hell itself the scripture says is a place where God has made for the devil, his angels and those who disobeyed God while here on earth. It is a place of...
Let us remember that Satan (the devil) does NOT run hell! He is GOING to hell together with his "angels."
The short answer to the question "why did God create us?" is "for His pleasure." Revelation 4:11 says, "You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory...
Jesus is the only Way, Truth and Life applies to all nations. The purpose of God coming down as man to show us the way would be defeated if He exempted any...
To understand the answer one must know that the mind in not infinite, thus God is. All we understand as human beings is that everything has a beginning and...
Speaking to a group of Jews, Jesus says, "You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desires. He was a murderer from the...
How could it mean today thou wilt be with me in Paradise... meaning Heaven when the Bible tells us the Lord went to hell... hades for three days and three...
The question of whether God loves us - personally and individually - is common. Surrounded by the conditional love of finite humanity, we cannot easily...
It is my understanding that God created Adam as the first human and from him He created Eve. This is stated in Genisis 1:26-31and is reiterated in chapter...
God is Holy! simple answer..
At my high school youth group, my leader introduced a youtube video called The Father's Love Letter. It used Biblical passages to speak to us about how the L...
John 3:16
Tithing was an Old Testament law, so, no, technically, Christians don't "have to" tithe. However, the New Testament command is to be a *cheerful giver and to...
This has always been a spiritual struggle for me, this very question. My mother was Jewish, my father a Christian. They allowed us to follow our own paths...
In Genesis 22:1, the Hebrew word translated "tempted" is the word nacah, and it means "to test, try, prove, tempt, assay, put to the proof or test." Because...
It is often claimed by those who reject the deity of Christ that in Mark 10:17-22 Jesus denies His divinity by rejecting the notion that He is good. It reads...
"And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?"...
Throughout the Hebrew Scriptures, the promise of a Messiah is clearly given. These messianic prophecies were made hundreds, sometimes thousands of years...
In the year 321 A.D., Constantine decreed, "On the venerable day of the Sun let the magistrates and people residing in cities rest, and let all workshops be...
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