Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.
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What is the purpose of marriage?
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.
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What is the purpose of marriage?
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.
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Why was Saul's action in killing the Gibeonites so serious for Israel?
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.
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How should a Christian view global warming?
The most obvious answer is that the passage about healing the blind was added by the unknown author of the book of Luke to affirm that Jesus was the Messiah....
If the "us" in the question is referring to believers, God may discipline believers, with the goal of making them progressively more Christlike. This...
When David looked into the cup, he didn’t see water; he saw the blood of the 3 men who had risked their lives to satisfy his desire. To drink that water...
Criterion: 5 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
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What is Iglesia ni Cristo?
Paul asked this same question (and also emphatically answered it in the negative) in Romans 6. The fact that God's grace (that is, His totally unmerited love...
How long did satan live on earth before he tempted Adam and Eve?
Genesis 1:1 - 31
I want to do something that is a sin. If I ask forgiveness for my sin every time I do this sin, will I be forgiven?
After having been a United Methodist for 30+ years, and as an employee of Methodist churches, I feel somewhat qualified in answering this question. Here is a...
Matthew 17:1-9, Mark 9:2-10, and Luke 9:28-36 all tell of the Mount of Transfiguration event. Jesus was miraculously changed into a glorious and shining...
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.
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How can God know me personally if He sees Jesus when He looks at me?
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.
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How can God know me personally if He sees Jesus when He looks at me?
One available commentary on this verse (viewable at justifies the omission of David's other recorded sins...
You have asked an interesting question, Daniel Douthitt! Abihu is "the second son of Aaron, who was destroyed with his brother Nadab for offering strange, or...
Great question, Lorraine! Jeiel, Saul’s great-grandfather, was the progenitor of the Gibeonites (1 Chron. 8:29-33; 9:35-39), so Saul slaughtered his own...
According to this verse, David was without sin except on one occasion—the sin involving Bathsheba! It claims David “had not turned aside from anything that H...
1 Kings 15:1 - 8
II Chronicles 16:7-12 sounds like Asa was a bad king but his whole record must be examined. I Kings 15:11 gives God’s assessment of Asa’s reign. All the...
Paul now attacks the Judaisers by using a form of argument that they themselves liked to use. He returns to the story of Abraham to show that law-keeping is...
The dilemma for the writer of this question would not be that of becoming a Christian, as faith in Christ is something you don’t have to tell or prove to...
Criterion: 25 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
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Does Satan attack our thoughts?
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 25 favorites.
Criterion: 5 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
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Is egg or embryo donation Biblical?
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.
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What will we be doing in heaven?
St. Paul said in the Bible, "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God has raised him from the...
Matthew 7:6: Do not give what is holy to dogs, or throw your pearls in front of pigs. These images characterize God’s kingdom—and Jesus’ teaching about it—as...
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.
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How can I know if I am hearing God, hearing Satan, or hearing my own thoughts?
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.
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How can I know if I am hearing God, hearing Satan, or hearing my own thoughts?
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 25 votes.
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How can I know for sure that I will go to Heaven when I die?
Joab was fiercely loyal to his uncle David, but he was also very ambitious, causing him to be suspicious of anyone (such as Amasa) who gave Joab reason to...
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.
Criterion: 5 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
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How do I cast my cares, worries and anxieties on God?
2 Samuel 20:9-10 says, 9 Joab said to Amasa, “How are you, my brother?” Then Joab took Amasa by the beard with his right hand to kiss him. 10 Amasa was no...
2 Samuel 20:1 - 26
I have e seen several of you mention here that women are XX chromosomes and men are XY chromosomes, but no one has mentioned the fraction of a percent of the...
Criterion: 5 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
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What is the purpose of marriage?
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.
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What does it mean to be a born again Christian?
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.
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What does it mean to be a born again Christian?
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 25 votes.
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What is the meaning of the Parable of the Fig Tree?
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.
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What is the difference between a born again Christian and 7th Day Adventists?
Dear Anonymous: I have had the same experience with having evil thoughts against the Holy Spirit, and I was tormented by the fear of committing the...
Criterion: 5 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
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Does Satan attack our thoughts?
Waiting on God is really hard for me to do! I like to move, and that sometimes gets me in trouble, more often than I would like to admit. Just ask my wife,...
We are all sinners to a degree, because we cannot be made perfect in the flesh. Only our soul/spirit is saved. Colossians 2:13. We have been forgiven all...
Commentaries on Matthew 12:22-32, Mark 3:22-30, and Luke 12:10 that I have read (and that have been very comforting to me) have indicated that the blasphemy...
Criterion: 5 person read an answer or article shared from eBible.
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What is concupiscence?
God, in the Garden of Eden, had one man and one woman. This was God's original design. The first mention of more than one wife is in Genesis 4:19 "And Lamech...
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