Peter Denies Jesus

Matthew 26

69 And Peter without was sitting in the court, and there came near to him a certain maid, saying, `And thou wast with Jesus of Galilee!' 70 And he denied before all, saying, `I have not known what thou sayest.' 71 And he having gone forth to the porch, another female saw him, and saith to those there, `And this one was with Jesus of Nazareth;' 72 and again did he deny with an oath -- `I have not known the man.' 73 And after a little those standing near having come, said to Peter, `Truly thou also art of them, for even thy speech doth make thee manifest.' 74 Then began he to anathematise, and to swear -- `I have not known the man;' and immediately did a cock crow, 75 and Peter remembered the saying of Jesus, he having said to him -- `Before cock-crowing, thrice thou wilt deny me;' and having gone without, he did weep bitterly.

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