Jesus Before Caiaphas and the Council

Matthew 26

57 And those laying hold on Jesus led [him] away unto Caiaphas the chief priest, where the scribes and the elders were gathered together, 58 and Peter was following him afar off, unto the court of the chief priest, and having gone in within, he was sitting with the officers, to see the end. 59 And the chief priests, and the elders, and all the council, were seeking false witness against Jesus, that they might put him to death, 60 and they did not find; and many false witnesses having come near, they did not find; and at last two false witnesses having come near, 61 said, `This one said, I am able to throw down the sanctuary of God, and after three days to build it.' 62 And the chief priest having stood up, said to him, `Nothing thou dost answer! what do these witness against thee? 63 and Jesus was silent. And the chief priest answering said to him, `I adjure thee, by the living God, that thou mayest say to us, if thou art the Christ -- the Son of God.' 64 Jesus saith to him, `Thou hast said; nevertheless I say to you, hereafter ye shall see the Son of Man sitting on the right hand of the power, and coming upon the clouds, of the heaven.' 65 Then the chief priest rent his garments, saying, -- `He hath spoken evil; what need have we yet of witnesses? lo, now ye heard his evil speaking; 66 what think ye?' and they answering said, `He is worthy of death.' 67 Then did they spit in his face and buffet him, and others did slap, 68 saying, `Declare to us, O Christ, who he is that struck thee?'

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