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Catherine Jewell

My Mission to help people understand the Word of God
I am a godly woman who desires to see souls saved by the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. Too many false teachings out there in this last hour. I desire to be in that number of the FEW that find the narrow road. I have a deep fear of the Lord and am growing to know Jesus more intimately and deeply for who He really is not  someones preception of what or who they think He is but my own personal experience of His glorious presence working through my life in the power of His grace mercy truth and love. Desiring to tear down build up and leaving the old behind and taking on the Lord Jesus Christ and who He truly is. I desire to be a true soldier in the Lord and know the truth that sets me free so I can go out and set others free by my testimony. Being an Overcomer by the blood of the lamb and the word of my testimony. Being filled with the oil of the Holy Spirit red hot and trimmed shining His light, being worthy to stand before the Son of man and living in this wicked world and not allowing myself to be spotted, wrinkled, blemished or stained by the deceptions of this world and the evil one. That I will bear an abundance of fruit that is worthy of repentance.This is what I desire. I desire to teach others to be the same and equip them to be the same in His Mighty Powerful Name!! JESUS THE MIGHTY ONE DELIVERER SAVIOR REDEEMER HOLY RIGHTEOUS ONE!!! For to know you Lord is eternal life..

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