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Vincent Mercado

Skeptic turned believer, Catholic, father of 3
I was raised Catholic, began doubting Christianity at age 19, turned skeptic about why I should believe the priests, pastors and even the Bible. Science and Philosophy were my guiding stars. If it is not logical, I will not believe it.

Thankfully, Catholicism is the most logical of all the religions. It is also the most scientific in approach when it comes to her doctrines. I can say that Science and Philosophy lead me to believe in the Catholic faith. 

I believe the Catholic Church is not a denomination - she is mainstream Christianity. If you have separated from the Catholic Church, come home.

Now I am happily married to an Evangelical woman. Our wish is that Catholics and Non-Catholics will dialogue together, resolve conflicts and be united. Our kids are Catholic.

My email is [email protected]. If you have any question regarding the Catholic Church, I am glad to help.

Recent Activity


Who actually wrote the gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John?

The gospels that bear the names Matthew and John were written by the apostles...

Comment 2 More Answers 2 Votes Asked June 10 2014


Who were the woman and the dragon in Rev. 12?

A pregnant woman who gives birth to the child who will "rule the nations with...

Comment 2 More Answers 1 Vote Asked June 09 2014


How do we handle conflict with non Christians, especially zealous anti-Christians that hold positions of power over our lives (like bosses)?

Conflicts may arise when a Christian share the Bible with an anti-Christian....

1 Comments 1 More Answer 1 Vote Asked June 06 2014


What is a layman?

A layman (or layperson) is a non-ordained member of a church. Laity, which...

Comment Asked June 06 2014


How long should I wait to pray for forgiveness after I sin?

One does not pray silently for forgiveness, instead he should confess his...

14 Comments 3 More Answers Asked June 02 2014


Was Job a historical figure or the main character in a really good play?

Christians and Jews believe Job, in fact, existed as a powerful and...

Comment Asked June 02 2014


When did Christianity begin?

Christianity began when Christ said to Peter, "on this rock I will build my...

Comment 1 Vote Asked June 02 2014


What will happen to a husband who does not provide basic needs for his own family? Will he end up in hell?

These are the words I spoke to my bride during our wedding, "I promise to to...

Comment 4 More Answers 1 Vote Asked May 28 2014


Are our prayers heard by our love ones in heaven?

The question presupposes two things: 1. Our departed loved ones are in...

Comment 1 More Answer Asked May 27 2014


Do we have to confess with our mouth that we believe in Christ?

Yes of course. Jesus said, "whoever disowns me before others, I will disown...

3 Comments 2 More Answers Asked May 27 2014


Why don't we celebrate Pentecost?

We do celebrate Pentecost. Pentecost is the liturgical season after Easter...

Comment 1 Vote Asked May 26 2014


Will we go to sleep in heaven?

Our earthly bodies require rest, therefore the need for sleep. In heaven,...

2 Comments 3 More Answers 4 Votes Asked May 19 2014


Should the comma be placed before or after the word "today" in Luke 23:43?

Catholic Bibles are scrutinized for errors before printing by a person called...

6 Comments 12 More Answers Asked May 16 2014