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Vincent Mercado

Skeptic turned believer, Catholic, father of 3
I was raised Catholic, began doubting Christianity at age 19, turned skeptic about why I should believe the priests, pastors and even the Bible. Science and Philosophy were my guiding stars. If it is not logical, I will not believe it.

Thankfully, Catholicism is the most logical of all the religions. It is also the most scientific in approach when it comes to her doctrines. I can say that Science and Philosophy lead me to believe in the Catholic faith. 

I believe the Catholic Church is not a denomination - she is mainstream Christianity. If you have separated from the Catholic Church, come home.

Now I am happily married to an Evangelical woman. Our wish is that Catholics and Non-Catholics will dialogue together, resolve conflicts and be united. Our kids are Catholic.

My email is [email protected]. If you have any question regarding the Catholic Church, I am glad to help.

Recent Activity


Is baptism a personal choice and we can be baptized by a pastor of our choosing?

From observation, I can say we can choose who will minister the baptism. For...

Comment Asked April 16 2014


What is the NAME Jesus was referring to as he prays for the disciples in John 17:11-12a?

HaShem (The Name), as reference to God's Name. It is common Jewish practice...

Comment Asked April 16 2014


What does the Bible say about free will?

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Are we as Christians allowed to befriend people from different faiths?

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The "True Church", the bride of Christ, has been described as having the...

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The obvious fact is that Mary had no other children. Otherwise, Jesus would...

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I think the doctrine is true given the multitude of biblical support, and...

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When did preachers/priests start wearing robes? And why?

From the very beginning of civilization, all ancient priests (Roman, Jewish,...

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Are the churches established by Paul counted as the original Church of Christ?

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Comment 2 More Answers Asked March 05 2014


Is the Catholic Church established by Jesus Christ?

Yes. Jesus built one church and the apostles spread this to the rest of the...

2 Comments 5 More Answers 1 Vote Asked March 05 2014