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The full details of the Egyptian who was smiting the Israelite (Gen 2:11) are...
Over specific peoples a very high angel or archangel presided in ancient...
The ritual of the two goats is highly symbolical. It comes from the idea that...
After the Millennium (the thousand years of Christ's rule), Satan will be...
The Roman conquest of Judea in 63 BC, which incorporated that entire area...
Manasseh is called a half-tribe because he was one half of the tribe of...
We know that insomnia (perhaps of divine origin), can be frequently...
Besides the the general answers above, there is a particular application in...
Jonah had gone through a very traumatic experience of three days in the fish,...
In Gen 1:11 God called the dry land earth. Earth, according to this...
We know, as the above answers indicate, the serious sins of Sodom and...
In my opinion, the answer to the question is yes. The foremost alternative to...
Man is made in the image of God (Gen 1:26). It is therefore plausible that a...
The Greek term 'syngenis, simply means “relative” (NKJV, NASB, NIV) or “...
At the time of David (c.1000 BC) the iniquity of the fathers would be passed...