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What does “advocate” mean? 1 John 2:1

Asked January 03 2024 1 Answer Asked By Anonymous

How could something so righteous be so dirty (Isa. 64:6)?

Asked January 02 2024 3 Answers Asked By Anonymous

What is this river that shall make glad the city of God?

Asked December 31 2023 1 Answer Asked By Anonymous

How can God hate? (Malachi 1:2-3)

Asked December 30 2023 1 Answer Asked By Anonymous

What will lead the church not to endure sound doctrine during the end times?

Asked December 28 2023 2 Answers Asked By Anonymous

Who is Michael Heiser and are his teachings biblical?

Asked December 22 2023 2 Answers Asked By Charles Crabtree

What was the "water like a river" that came out of the serpent's mouth (Rev. 12:15)?

Asked December 21 2023 1 Answer Asked By Anonymous

What is God's view on the consumption of alcohol?

Asked December 21 2023 3 Answers Asked By G Wagener

Were the Israelites slaves as we perceive that term today?

Asked December 20 2023 1 Answer Asked By Steve Mills

Does "unity" mean total agreement? Psalm 133:1

Asked December 14 2023 1 Answer Asked By Anonymous

How can the Father be satisfied with the suffering of his Son? Isa 53:11

Asked December 10 2023 1 Comment 2 Answers Asked By Anonymous

Where was Adam when Eve ate the forbidden fruit?

Asked December 10 2023 3 Answers Asked By LISA FARMER

Why do Catholics eat fish on Friday?

Asked December 08 2023 Asked By Anonymous

What is a trespass in the Bible?

Asked December 05 2023 1 Answer Asked By Anonymous

Can messianic Jews be considered Christian?

Asked December 05 2023 2 Answers Asked By ainsley chalmers