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What time of day was the ninth hour?

Asked May 07 2013 2 Answers Asked By Anonymous

What kind or grade of wood is "gopher?"

Asked May 07 2013 2 Answers Asked By Gilbert Kiaha

What is the meaning of the word "submitting" in Eph 5:21?

Asked May 07 2013 5 Answers Asked By Anonymous

What does it mean that the Word was God and the Word was with God?

Asked May 07 2013 2 Comments 10 Answers Asked By Jun Martinez

How do I renew my mind?

Asked May 07 2013 5 Answers Asked By Anonymous

What does laying the wood in order mean?

Asked May 06 2013 3 Answers Asked By Pamela Mangum

Where is Matthew 17:21?

Asked May 06 2013 1 Answer Asked By Charles Smith

What about repeated sin?

Asked May 06 2013 8 Answers Asked By Matthew Parr

What does it mean to not see what we see?

Asked April 27 2013 1 Comment 3 Answers Asked By Alicia Rosa

What kind of gift is it?

Asked April 27 2013 2 Answers Asked By David Mccullough

How does one commune with a lukewarm Christian?

Asked April 26 2013 3 Answers Asked By Helena Jones

How do I obtain genuine love for those who seek to destroy me?

Asked April 26 2013 1 Comment 12 Answers Asked By Anonymous