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Who are the Moabites today?

Asked October 22 2013 2 Answers Asked By Jim Lambert

Did God create only Adam and Eve and not additional humans?

Asked October 22 2013 2 Answers Asked By Anonymous

Is 'heaven' in Gen 1:8 the same heaven as Gen 1:14?

Asked October 22 2013 1 Answer Asked By Anonymous

Why do people find it so hard to give their lives to Christ?

Asked October 22 2013 8 Answers Asked By Julian Grear

How old was Methuselah when he died?

Asked October 21 2013 4 Answers Asked By Sonny Johnson

Does the Bible say that only 144,000 people make it to heaven?

Asked October 21 2013 3 Answers Asked By Angela Saunders

Can one be good without God?

Asked October 20 2013 Asked By Asabe Tahir

What are the sins of the flesh?

Asked October 20 2013 1 Answer Asked By Angela Saunders

Where does the term "rapture" originate from?

Asked October 19 2013 2 Answers Asked By Pastor Shaun Bridgens

Did Sarah sleep with Pharaoh when she was taken to his palace?

Asked October 19 2013 5 Answers Asked By Anonymous