Why didn't God simply create humans in Heaven instead of creating Earth?


Clarify Share Report Asked September 30 2014 Mini Gary Creel Supporter

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Hank warmbier Hank Warmbier Supporter Lay person with bible study as their hobby
Oh, how very much more simple it would have been if God had immediately created us humans to be in Heaven, without all of the trials, temptations, and decisions we must make here on Earth. And of course the biggest decision we all must make is to desire to be with Christ forever, so we can be with Him in Heaven. As simple as the answer might sound, God simply wanted to surround Himself with people who freely chose to be with Him. And that decision must be made here on Earth.

Of course, we must appreciate that originally Adam & Eve were created in Paradise. But then what happened? They sinned. And since God can not tolerate Sin, He removed them from Paradise, but God did not remove Himself from their presence. And so it has been ever since: the decision to follow God or the decision to "do it my way". 

May we all choose wisely. John 3:16-18 clearly tells us the consequences of making the right decision versus the wrong decision. And Matt 7:7-8 tells us that God is always willing to help us; all we need to do is ask Him.

October 01 2014 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Data Danny Hickman Supporter Believer in The Gospel Of Jesus Christ
Omit our time on Earth, begin life in heaven. Is that the proposal?

Bad idea! I can say that with no hesitation. There's no marriage in heaven, according to Jesus (Mark 12, Matthew 22). If there's no marriage there and we're created to live there and this stage of life is omitted, then Faye and I aren't an item. If Faye and I don't marry, we don't have our three daughters, which means we don't have the seven grandchildren and 1 great grandchild we presently have, and a new great grandchild on the way... (thank you Lord for the beautiful family you have blessed me with; bless your holy name). 

I'll take the trials and tribulations of life. I grew up in Jim Crow America; I don't have to tell anyone what that means, I'm pretty sure. In the words of Langston Hughes' poem, "Mother to Son," 'Life for me ain't been no crystal stair.'

Just think about it, without the toils of life, Mr Hughes wouldn't have had a reason to pen that awesome cadence. It's a mother's encouragement to her son to keep striving even though life is hard.

Speaking of life the mother says:
Well, son, I tell you:
Life for me ain't been no crystal stair.
It's had tacks in it,
And splinters, 
And boards torn up
And places with no carpet on the floor -
But all the time
I'se been a-climbin' on,
And reachin' landin's 
And turnin' corners,
And sometimes goin' in the dark
Where there ain't no light
So boy, don't you turn back. 
Don't you set down on the steps
'Cause you finds it kinder hard.
Don't you fall now--
For I'se still goin' honey,
I'se still climbin',
And life for me ain't been no more crystals stair.

By Langston Hughes

(I still tear up when I remember my little girl Brittany reciting that poem when she was in elementary school).
Edit: I just called her and asked; she was in 1st grade. She'll be thirty on the 29th of this month. She still remembers it, and recited it to me. Yes, I teared up

It's an inspiration to anyone who understands and appreciates life's struggles. You ain't got to be black to know what that's all about. God uses our struggles for His glory and for our spiritual growth.

So if there's a referendum being considered, or a poll that I haven't heard about, if someone is trying to talk God into a do-over, a mulligan if you will, and the request is that we scratch all of this and think of it as just a bad dream, put me down as a NO VOTE! I'll stick this out... Faye and the kids are a package deal along with the struggles of life.

I haven't even mentioned my having had 2 of the greatest parents ever to bring children into the world, and two older brothers worth their weight in dust! Selah

I think I'd rather do it God's way; the way that is by faith. He says, "An inheritance gained hastily in the beginning will not be blessed in the end." (Proverbs 20:21) 

Someone says, 'Let's skip the wilderness and go straight to the promised land.' No, not me! I want all that God has to offer!

June 09 2022 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Image41 Ezekiel Kimosop Supporter
This is a difficult question to answer because we do not have the benefit of any information why God chose to create man on earth rather than in heaven. 

Some argue that man could not have lived in heaven in his human flesh because scripture declares that flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God. However we note that man was created perfect and lost his immortality after the fall (Genesis 3). 

God had his higher purposes in creating man to take dominion over His creation just as he created angels to serve Him. Some teachers proclaim that God has given man full authority and dominion over the earth and depict an absent God who left "all the keys" with man. This teaching is unbiblical because God has not abandoned the earth to man. He retains His sovereignty (Psalm 24:1; 50:10).

Why God choose not to create a spirit man just like the angels in heaven is a matter that rests inn his divine and higher purposes that he has not revealed to us. This does not imply that he was incapable of doing so. God in his divine and infinite wisdom chose to place man on earth but this did not limit His fellowship and interaction with him (Genesis 3:8-9). Satan too was created a perfect being and he ministered before God before he developed pride and wanted to overthrow God. He was thrown down to earth with his fallen angels. 

God had a redemption plan for man in that even after the fall, he made provision for atonement through Christ so that those who are in Him enjoy the fullness of His divine grace. So we need not worry about being on earth if we are in Christ.

October 01 2014 1 response Vote Up Share Report

Mini Al Mari Supporter Private practice as a cardiovascular & thoracic surgeon
Heaven is a place where "spirit bodies/beings" can live, like God and angelic beings. Humans, being flesh, can not survive there. Our composition is limited. 

Earth is needed for us to live, grow and develop. Much like having a "uterus" where a zygote(fertilized egg) can survive before coming out of the womb after generally 9 months and live. We need "time for every season"Eccl. 3:1-8 

Similarly, humans need time on earth to develop and receive the Holy Spirit for "spiritual development", before being "changed in a twinkling of an eye"(I Cor. 15:52), becoming "spirit-composed bodies" at resurrection.

October 06 2015 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

My picture Jack Gutknecht Supporter Arizona Bible College graduate and Dallas Seminary graduate
God doesn't want robots. If He had created us in heaven, there would have been no temptation and no opportunity to not choose God. He wants our love, but he wants it to be voluntary on our part. Not forced. 

Brandon Clay said:
God did not merely create people—he also had a plan for them and gave them something to do. Known as the “creation mandate,” God gave the first couple a job in the first chapter of the Bible, before sin entered the scene. God didn’t want people to lounge around in a perfect garden. Instead, he wanted people to order and manage the resources he gave them.

June 10 2022 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

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