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Please explain how to do this in love.
Matthew 18:15
NKJV - 15 Moreover if your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault between you and him alone. If he hears you, you have gained your brother.
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That is a thoughtful question. First, know and understand that God is a God of order and reconciliation. In this scripture, Jesus Christ Himself was speaking and teaching His disciples the proper order of dealing with a situation in which someone has hurt another. Of course He intends for us all to get along and live in peace as brothers and sisters but recognizes our humanity and that there are times when there will be disagreement, contention and hurtful situations. The first step I would suggest is to pray before approaching the person. Ask God to give you a peaceful heart, attitude and approach. Ask God to open the person's heart to receive in love that which will be spoken. Also ask God to direct you (based on Proverbs 3:5,6) on the right time to approach the person. Once you have listened to God and received instruction, contact the person and ask to meet with him. You might want to select a public place that has a peaceful atmosphere. Be prepared to be completely open and honest about your feelings. Start the meeting with prayer. If you love this person, you might start out by saying something like, "You know I love you and care. I'm coming to you today in a spirit of love. I want to be completely open and honest about my feelings and ask that we both open our spirits, minds and hearts right now..can we agree to do that?" Then proceed. Try not to use negative or accusatory language, put keep it focused on "I" language: I feel, I felt like," etc. I am praying for you and this person right now for love and reconciliation in the situation and that you opening your honest heart will draw you all closer together. Be sure to go back and thank God for His help and to share your testimony to others who need to know God is a Helper. Blessings!
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