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Genesis 6 gives the sad account of the state of humanity prior to the worldwide flood during the days of Noah. Genesis 6:5 states, "The LORD saw how great the wickedness of the human race had becom...
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Because the sin of mankind was so rampant, God, grieved with the state of the earth, decided to destroy life on it by a flood, Genesis 6:5-7, 11, 13. The many references in Genesis 6:1-7:17 to “earth” and “man/mankind” emphasize the worldwide corruptness of all mankind. Also, the reference to the “sons of God” and the “daughters of men,” Genesis 6:1-2, reveals the wickedness was from the top down. The usual interpretation is that the sons of God were angels which would require that these angels must take partial blame. But the Scriptures are clear that because of the wickedness of man ruining the earth, God ruined them with the great flood. The sons of God were rulers who took advantage of their “divine right” over the people, taking women of the common class in marriage. They defied God and brought the people under their power so they would depend on them. As a much later example, James I of England firmly believed in the “divine right of kings.” He described monarchs as “little gods on earth” who could essentially, do whatever they wanted, putting them above the law. The Nephilim or “giants” of Genesis 6:4 were the ruthless, powerful tyrants that were on the earth then. The total destruction of the world by the flood was due to the ungodly in it, II Peter 2:5. The world-wide devastation by the flood corresponds with the earth being full of violence because of sin, Genesis 6:11, 13. The breaking up or fracturing of the fountains of the great deep and the opening of the windows of heaven caused forty days of downpours on the earth, Genesis 7:11, flooding the whole earth, Genesis 7:19-23, Psalm 104:6, and covering all the mountains. This catastrophic event, lasting for over a year, caused the formation of vast layers of sediment, chalk, salt, limestone, fossils, coal, and oil and gas reservoirs. It formed the depressions and trenches in the oceans and caused the rising and folding of mountains, described by one scientist as throw rugs being pushed against a wall. But even though there was total failure of mankind, God spared Noah and his family as the only ones finding grace with God, and being righteous before God, Genesis 6:8-9, 7:1. He instructed Noah to build the ark which would keep him and his family safe throughout the devastation. After the flood, Noah offered sacrifices and at that time, God said in His heart that He would never again curse the ground, Genesis 8:20-21. God also made a covenant with Noah and gave the sign of the rainbow, promising that a flood would never again destroy the earth, Genesis 9:11-17. Compare God’s promise in Isaiah 54:8-9 in showing mercy to Jerusalem. The purpose of the flood was to completely cleanse and scour the earth of the filth caused by the wickedness and corruptness of man. There would be a fresh start to the earth with a new look, new conditions, and a new covenant with man.
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