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Trying to determine when God created the angels is somewhat tricky because anything God did "before the foundation of the world" puts the event outside of time itself. Time and space are characteri...
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Angels are also God's messengers and he also uses them for his purpose. For example, the Angel of death at Passover. My favorite way that God uses them is to be our guardian Angels. We are not to worship Angels, but I feel not enough Christians thank them for what the do for us. When I do, I ask God to thank them for me to make sure it can't be considered as Angel worship.
Perhaps the angels were from another plan before our existence.
The question that must be asked is why angels were created. If the definition of an angel is a messenger, who were they giving messages to before God created mankind? If the answer is no one, is it feasible to believe that God in His infinite wisdom knew about man's Original Sin and created angels specifically for us It baffles me that God created angels, knew that Lucifer would betray Him and knew that man would succumb to the devil's temptation through Eve and knew that to redeem man in the end, His only begotten Son would be crucified. In retrospect we see angels solely for the purpose of carrying out God's will through human interaction and the defense of righteousness. That being said, I can deduct that angels were created sometime before man for the purpose previously stated. We were made in God's image to worship Him as an action of our free will. The angels also have some free will opportunities as we see Lucifer rebelling. Do the angels worship God? Of course. The difference is that we were made to be ons of God, not through works but by His mercy, by the Blood of Christ. What will happen to the angels after the end times are over and the saints are all on the new earth? Time will tell, but I do believe in guardian angels and hope to meet mine some day. God bless you all.
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