What is Westboro Baptist Church?


Clarify Share Report Asked July 01 2013 Mini Anonymous (via GotQuestions)

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Mini James Kraft

I am just guessing that most cults start this way. It is so easy to condemn people rather than pray for them. I am reminded that Jesus told the Pharasees that there would be prostitutes in heaven before them. Maybe it is just me but I see a degeneration in many of our churches where minor things are turned into major things and people are run out of church over the traditions of the elders.

With our sinful nature comes this pride that if we look down our spiritual noses at others it will somehow lift us up.

For some reasons it seems to me anyway that chuches in this country either go so far liberal that anything goes, or they become so legalistic that there is no love or freedom. Instead of loving people they would rather hate them and condemn them.

It is really hard to stay on that pathway between the two. I know there are no perfect churches, but I just cannot go along with some of them that condemn everyone that does not comply whith there extra biblical rules or else you really are not living for the Lord. I see where we should be loving people insead of hating them.

I have been in two baptist churches that split with terrible fights. It almost ruined my oldest son and he still will not go to church to this day.

J Vernon Mcgee said one time in his through the bible radio program that he thought the church would end up back in homes in the last days and I am beginning to believe it.

March 06 2015 Report

Data Danny Hickman

Good comments James...
The church was never meant to become an organization the way it became. But that won't stop God from saving souls. Dr Tony Evans likes to say that 'God can hit a target with a crooked stick.' It's true.
It's easy to see that the organization in place has a truckload of problems. Catholicism turned the church into what it became. It's still doing damage to it to this day. Catholicism is called "The Church" by a lot of people. I cringe every time I hear it.

July 31 2020 Report

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