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Many people ask whether we will eat food in heaven because eating is not only necessary to stay alive, but it is also so very enjoyable! Because eating is enjoyable, many people conclude that what ...
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I do believe we will eat in Heaven . Because after the Resurrection Jesus in his glorified body ate with the disciples (Luke 24 vs. 41 to 43) and we are going to have a glorified body, if we are truly saved and abide in Christ and strive to be like Him each day . I think there is a lot of speculation and misconceptions about other things, as far as where will we live what will we do, will we have supernatural power . As for me right now though, the main thing I have to concentrate on is taking a step closer to God each day by studying His Word, praying, and planting seeds of salvation, because if I abide in Him the wonderful things he has in store for me are assured . I believe the goal of a Christian is not heaven when we die but Christ likeness now .
As a human, we are both physical and spiritual in nature. We will always be both physical and spiritual. Adam and Eve were created perfect, and they ate. When Christ returns and sets everything right, we are told that heaven will come down and that the Earth will be redeemed and restored and that it will literally become the new heaven. So our final place that we will spend all eternity will actually be right here, on a perfectly restored earth. We will still have physical bodies, though freed from fleshly desires, and yes, we will certainly still eat.
In Rev 2:7 "...To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God." Also, Rev.2:17 "...To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna..." These are two examples of what might be eaten by Christians in heaven. In Psalms 78:25 it is said that man ate angel's food - but if angels eat food, then it is quite likely that human beings will also be eating food in heaven.
I believe that we may eat some food but I am not certain if we need it for sustenance the way we do now. Jesus alludes to this fact, perhaps, concerning the celebration of the marriage feast in heaven, and the fruits of the tree of life in heaven will certainly be edible (Rev 2:7). The Bible does not disclose other menu, but fish does seem to be included given that Jesus ate it after His resurrection. Luke 24:42-43 says "And they gave him [Jesus] a piece of a broiled fish, and of an honeycomb. 43 And he took it, and did eat before them." However we can never be sure about the scope of this eating or indeed any other activities we shall be engaged in up there.
Of course there will be food in Revelations 19, it speaks of the marriage supper with the lamb! If there was a "last supper" with Jesus and the disciples, logically that means there will be a FIRST supper when we Christians arrive in heaven!
"Ye are they which have continued with me in my temptations. And I appoint unto you a kingdom, as my Father hath appointed unto me; That ye may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom, and sit on thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel" (Luke 22:28-30 KJV).
In Revelation 22:1 And he showed me a pure river of life, clear as crystal, proceeding from the throne of God and of the lamb. In the middle of its street, and on either side of the river, was the tree of life, which bore twelve fruits., each tree yielding it's fruit every month. The leaves of the tree were for healing of nations. Adam and Eve were not allowed to eat from the tree of life but I believe the we, because of the forgiveness of sin thru our Lord Jesus Christ will eat from that tree! Blessing on you all!
Firstly we need to understand the difference between what was spoken figuratively and that which was spoken literally. Food has been designed for earthly bodies, not for heavenly or glorified bodies. Today we are told to eat everything that sold in the meat market together with the vegetables available. Some may argue that there are special types of diets for heavenly beings. If that be so, what is the purpose of food? Is it to give the body the variety of the following 5 nutrients - protein, carbohydrate, fat, vitamins and minerals - from the food we eat to stay healthy and productive? Protein is needed to build, maintain and repair muscle, blood, skin and bones and other tissues and organs in the body. Question we may our bodies, which are glorified, need these nutrients? A child is given a proper meal to grow in age and size. Are we saying that this would be happening in God's kingdom? May I ask after eating, would there be waste that would want to flow out of the body? If that be so, what about facilities to accommodate the waste? When Jesus sat with the disciples after his resurrection to eat, was the son of God eating with the disciples to raise a point of demonstrating to Peter questioning his love for him? What is the object in this exercise, to love or to eat? If there is an earthly kingdom, and if there are people there without resurrected bodies, I would imagine there would be food in the earthly kingdom to sustain such people until they receive glorified bodies. May I point out the holy bible is not a book that could be understood easily. For example, think about the incident about beggar Lazarus and the rich man asking to be released to warn his brothers....yet the scriptures tell us that the dead would not have their come this man knows about his brothers? This is just a figurative speech helping us to understand a point.
Matthew 26:29 says, “I will not henceforth drink of the fruit of the vine until that day I drink it anew with you in my Father’s Kingdom.” So I would say, yes, we shall eat and drink in Heaven.
When Jesus was here among us He participated in many festivals, celebrations, weddings and was among people while they enjoyed their times together while eating. I imagine him joining in those times among us with joy and maybe even a little revelry. I think Jesus could take joy in the joy of others. But as for heavenly bodies requiring food? I don't think that is likely. But they will be sustained by the life energy of Yahweh.
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