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Using a surrogate mother to bear children for a childless couple is as old as the story of Abraham and Sarah in Genesis chapter 16. Sarah could not bear children, so she gave her servant, Hagar, to...
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God does not enjoy it when we become impatient with him. Cases in point are Abraham's son with a servant named Hagar produced unhappiness. Lots daughters incestuous sons became nations that opposed Gods chosen people.
The difference between a surrogate mom and Hagar is the method of conception. There was a sexual encounter between Abraham and Hagar where as it not so with surrogate moms. Gen. 16:4-6. As we can see, Sarai realized her actions were wrong.
One of the issues I find that could be problematic in using a surrogate is one that is prevalent with other fertility treatments as well: Are multiple eggs being fertilized? And if so, what will happen to the ones that are not used? Many people overlook this part of the issue because they do not like to think about it.
When the seed of G_d was implanted into the womb of Mary: it was done by the angel of the Lord. Supernaturally of course, Today's methods are all done by mankind and in a physical fashion. The use of syringes is the most common (Human Sperm is injected into a Human Egg) once the processes is successful and reaches total fertilization. The next step: as we all know by now...the incubated state of the the now living embryo, which is than placed into the womb of a living recipient (The surrogate Mother), or into an artificial environment (the test tube). I thank The LORD almighty that he choose Mother Mary instead of a test tube. The Bible tells us: that a worthy recipient was being searched for, by the almighty. All the virgin women of Israel were also wondering if they would be the one. Was Mary surprised when the angel of the Lord approached her with his request from HaShem? Yes, she was, why? because like us (human nature) she too felt unworthy. For we are all born into sin, even Mother Mary, Yeshua was not. In that: because Adam (humankind) sinned, all born thereafter are born into sin. Therefore Mary is not the mother of the Living G_d: rather, she became the adopted (surrogate) mother of Yeshua, G_d in the flesh. Thank you Mother Mary for taking upon yourself the blessed seed: Yeshua, into your womb. For you were then, and still are BLESSED among all women.
God gives and withholds life. This is something I had to realize when I was ready to become a mother again. I am to doctors someone who cannot have kids. I have had 2 miscarriages and one of my babies born too early to live here on earth. I have one child here with me living and healthy as can be. I can still get pregnant and give birth to healthy babies and satan can no longer attack me now i know this truth. Because God's word says I am blessed and whole! Jesus bore our infirmities and diseases on the cross. This includes infertility and infirmities of the womb. Not only that but I have received such a precious promise that only God can give me! What a Mighty God we serve!
I believe God giving the doctors the knowledge and technology to have a procedure through a surrogate mother is a blessing towards barren women and the childless couples. Yes, sarah realized she was wrong for allowing Hagar to sleep with Abraham, because it was adultery and still is considered adultery; the child in today’s world would be often considered or called a “bastard child”, but God is merciful. And, yes, it’s that child who gets saved. God could be using that same child to lead their parent(s) to salvation through Christ. So, the bible says, “Judge nothing before it's time,” and we shouldn't, because God’s ways are higher than ours and beyond finding out. I’m saved and so were both of my parents, after I was born. Amen :)
Terrific question, Trijem! The Bible does not explicitly address modern surrogacy, but it does provide examples of surrogate-like arrangements in Genesis 16 and 30. In both cases, Sarai (Sarah) and Rachel gave their maidservants, Hagar and Bilhah, to bear children for their husbands, Abraham and Jacob. These situations, however, led to significant conflict and emotional distress within the families. Biblical Considerations on Surrogacy: Marriage and Procreation The Bible presents children as a natural result of the marital union (Genesis 1:28, Psalm 127:3). Some argue that using a surrogate disrupts this natural order. Children as a Gift, Not a Right Scripture emphasizes that children are a blessing from God (Psalm 127:3-5) rather than an entitlement. The desire for a child, while natural and good, does not necessarily justify all means of achieving parenthood. Emotional and Ethical Challenges The stories of Hagar and Bilhah demonstrate the relational tensions and complications that can arise from surrogate arrangements. Modern surrogacy can similarly introduce emotional, legal, and ethical challenges. Potential Moral Justifications Some Christian ethicists believe "rescue surrogacy" (where a woman carries an IVF-created embryo to preserve its life) may be more morally acceptable than commercial surrogacy. Others argue that all forms of surrogacy risk commodifying human life. Conclusion: Christian perspectives on surrogacy vary. While some believe it can be an act of love and compassion, others caution against potential ethical and relational consequences. Prayer, biblical principles, and seeking wise counsel are essential for those considering surrogacy.
I asked the same question of a friend when I read that Abraham was given permission by Sarah to have a surrogate. That was the law of those people in that time. If you remember, the world was not in God's light after the fall...after Eve ate from the fruit and Adam tried to blame her.
I had one child by a mid-spent youth that I gave up for adoption. Once I turned my ways and married I did everything modern technology offers trying to have another. I now know I have some genetic disorders that would have been passed on. My only child is not burdened with these diseases. Sometimes God says no for a very good reason. When we try to run around his word, we only have heartbreak and set ourselves up for bigger issues. I have problems that I now thank God every day I do not have to burden my child with, we must learn to listen to God.
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